Fads and fashions have come and gone during the past few years but one fashion has come to stay—the fashion of the erect, graceful, youthful figure.

In any social gathering it is the woman with sparkling eyes, glowing cheeks and graceful carriage who attracts attention.

Do some women of your acquain­tance have a sparkle in their personality that you seem to lack? You think it's an advantage given them by nature; but it isn't. The chances are that your spark­ling personality has been submerged.

Lack of personal magnetism the thing we call " charm"—is usually due to a stealthy drain on one's vitality—a drain that is easily corrected. Comparatively few women realize this and yet it is true. A study of the measurements and figure descriptions of over a million women has shown our designers that 95 out of every 100 women have some fault in posture. Think of it—out of every 100 women you meet, 95 are carrying their bodies incor­rectly, and thereby throwing their vital organs out of position.

It is easy to be seen that if these organs are subjected to undue strain or placed in



The Spencerette
The Spencerette

So light you are not conscious of it, so flex­ible that not one movement is hindered, yet so cleverly designed of cloth and knitted elastic that it t preserves the youthful lines.