1309304Forget It!Samuel Williams Cooper

Why, certainly, dear, we will take Sunday
With the family have a nice day;
I admit I've neglected you somewhat of
On account of the matches I play.

But, now, I shall give you a truce from all
Joy for you and the kids is my aim; ,
To the country we'll go and all golf will
cut out,
Though 'tis sure a fine day for a game.

'Tis a golfing course, children; now look at
that dub,
With the brassie he got but ten yards;
I could beat him around with my putter
Why, he only is fit to play cards.

Darn this train! I just missed old Jack's
drive from the tee,
He can swat 'em, I tell you, a bit;
I have just about learned his quick snap of
the wrists
That makes what they call a clean hit.

A beautiful valley! Why surely it is,
The hills and the gulch and the lake,
Filled with natural hazards and bunkers
What a wonderful course it would make.

Yes, this is our station, the new country
Is reached, by this coach, very soon.
I thought you and the family would like to
drive there
And return by the light of the moon.

Ah! is not this charming? The links, as
you see,
Surround us completely and here
From the porch you can both see and hear
from all sides.
Will I play? How about it, my dear?

All right, Bill, I only can go you nine holes,
I have cut out the game for to-day;
I believe it is true that some people get
Of continual talk of my play.

Now, here is the dinner. Surely, Bill, take
this chair,
I just want to go over the score,
And see how the weak spots might have
been cut out,
I'm sure you'll not think it a bore.

Home again! Now, I know, dear, that you
and the kids
This day full of joys will proclaim.
I'm only too happy to feel you have had
A little relief from the game.