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United States of America

In Senate April 23 1789.

The Committee appointed on the 16 April, to report a mode of communication to be observed between the Senate & House of Representatives, with respect to Papers, Bills & Messages, and to confer thereon with such Committee as might be appointed, by the House of Representatives for that purpose, have conferred with a Committee of the House, and have agreed to the following Report.

When a Bill or other message shall be sent from the Senate to the House of Representatives it shall be carried by the Secretary, who shall make one Obeisance to the Chair on entering the door of the House of Representatives, & another on delivering it at the Table, into the hands of the Speaker. After he shall have delivered it, he shall make an Obeisance to the Speaker and repeat it as he retires from the House.

When a Bill shall be sent up by the House of Representatives to the Senate, it shall be carried by two Members, who at the bar of the Senate, shall make their Obeisance to the President, and thence advancing to the Chair make a second Obeisance, and deliver it into the hands of the President. After having delivered the Bill, they shall make their obeisance to the President, and repeat it as they retire from the bar. The Senate shall rise on the entrance of the Members within the bar, & continue standing till they retire.

All other messages from the House of Representatives shall be carried by a single Member, who shall make his Obeisance as above mentioned, but the President
