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A New Song.

To the Tune of, Lay by your Pleading, &c.

  Lay by your Reaſon,
  Truth’s out of Seaſon,
Rebellion now is Loyalty, and Loyalty is Treaſon.
  Now Forty one, Sir,
  Is quite undone, Sir;
A Subject then depos’d his King, but now it is his Son, Sir.
  The Nations Salvation
  From Male-Adminiſtration
Was then pretended by the Saints, but now ’tis Abdication.

  Beſides, the Caſe, Sir,
  Bears another Face, Sir;
Billy had a mind to Reign, and Jimmy muſt give place, Sir.
  Raiſe Inſurrections,
  With baſe Reflections,
And labour Tooth and Nail to perfect his Projections.
  Rebellion, in faſhion,
  Declar’d throughout the Nation,
Then turn’d his Father out of Doors, and call’d it Abdication.

  A Declaration
  For Self-preſervation
Was ſpread abroad, wherein was prov’d a Father no Relation.
  Monarchy haters,
  And Abdicators,
Did ſwear themſelves into a League with Duchmen and with Traytors.
  They enter, indenture,
  Both Soul and Body venture,
Whilſt at Royal Jimmy’s Head their Malice ſtill did center.

  What have we gained?
  Grievances retained:
The Government is ſtill the ſame, the King is only changed.
  Was ever ſuch a Bargain?
  What boots it a Farthing,
Whether Father Peters Rule, Benting or Carmarthen?
  Oppreſſed, diſtreſſed,
  With empty Purſes careſſed,
We ſtill remain in Statu quo, there’s nothing yet redreſſed.

  Bail for Treaſon
  Now is out of Seaſon,
And Judges muſt be Courtiers ſtill against all right and reaſon:
  Nay, more I’ll mention,
  The Senate has a Penſion,
Which overthrows the Contracts made with the bleſt Convention.
  Thus we, Sir, you ſee, Sir,
  Come off by the Lee, Sir;
We give our Money to be Slaves, inſtead of being free, Sir.

  Never was Beetle
  Blind as this People,
To think that God will own a Church with a Socinian Steeple.
  Of Wits bereaved,
  By Prieſts deceived,
That have brought themſelves unto that paſs ne’er more to be believed.
  They leer, Sir, for fear, Sir,
  Old Jimmy ſhould come here, Sir;
And then they’ll all Repent that e’re they took the Swear, Sir.

  Alas! What is Conſcience
  In Sherlock’s own Senſe?
When Intreſt lyes at Stake an Oath with him is Nonſenſe:
  The Temple Maſter
  Fears no Diſaſter,
He can take Ten thouſand Oaths and ne’er be bound the faſter.
  He’ll wrangle, and jangle,
  And all their Cauſe intangle;
Yet naught can hold the Wretch, but the old Triangle.

  For holy Cauſe, Sir,
  You may break all Laws, Sir;
For Perjury nor Treaſon then do ſignify two Straws, Sir.
  So bad our Caſe is
  We’d better far be Papiſts;
For now Socinians rule the Church, and they’re rul’d by an Atheiſt.
  The Nations Damnation
  Was their laſt Reformation;
Either you muſt take the Swear, or ſtarving leave your Station.
