Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/22

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prize-master and his crew, he assured me that our danger had been infinitely greater than I suspected; many vessels had lately been lost near where the Frenchmen ventured without any of the usual precautions of navigation. He spoke good English, and was of great service to us by pointing out the measures necessary to be taken to preserve our property from the rapacity of the republican sailors.

We came to anchor off Briel (or the Briel, as it is called, though for what reason I know not) in the afternoon, and were immediately visited by boats from the shore and guard-ships. I was informed we should not be permitted to land, till an order for that purpose had been received from the government; but I immediately waited on the Dutch commodore, and on representing to him how ill we were accommodated, he promised to take us on board his own ship the next day. I obtained also from him a guard for the security of our persons and property, and he politely sent us such refreshments