Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/215

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Kami, we, us, also I. A polite expression whereby the speaker does not put himself above the person addressed, which he would do by using the pronoun aing. Imah, kami, my house. Kami kabéh daik ka gunung, we are all going to the mountains. (Mal. and Kawi, I, me; we, us.)

Kam-kam, a Chinese weapon of defence, like the blade of a sword mounted with a spear handle.

Kampa, to express oil with a peculiar press used by the natives and called Kampahan. (Mal. id.)

Kampahan, a wooden press to extract oil. There are two uprights set in two horizontal pieces, and by forcing in wedges the two uprights are driven together and thus exercise a great pressure on any oil producing matter placed between them.

Kampak, an axe; an axe such as used by Europeans and Chinese in contradistinction to the native axe called Baliyung, which see.(Kampak Jav. a great axe without a wooden shaft. Fr.)

Kampil, a bag, a large bag for Rice, Coffee &c. (Jav. A bundle, pak, bag.)

Kampu, a large wooden bucket or tub, in which oil is kept or measured. Ampuh, in Malay to overflow.

Kampung, a village; is properly Malay, but is still from associating with Europeans and Chinese often used, especially to designate themselves as- orang kampung, village people, as distinct from foreigners. Kampung is probably derived from Kapung or Kepung to enclose, with the peculiar m interposed, giving it the sense of an enclosed place or village, as in rude states of society, every village was a fortified place. The usual word for village in Sunda is Lumbur. Kampung in Malay is not merely a village, but „an inclosure" a place surrounded with a paling; a fenced or fortified village; see Marsden in voce Page 267. The Etymon of Kampung signifying enclosure, is also heard in the Malay expression Kain běkampo which is another name for a Sarong. See Singapore Journal April 1849 Page 275.

Kampung, to mix, to associate.

Kampungkěn, to join together, to unite, to collect into a common stock, especially a number of small things or trading articles.

Kamudi, a helm, a rudder, an oar to steer by. (Mal. كمودي Kumŭdi; Jav. Kamudi, Kĕmudi, Kumudi.)

Kamuning, name of a tree common about towns and in cultivated places. It has a pretty white flower and yields a handsomely mottled wood. Murraya exotica of the family Aurantiaceae.

Kana, to become, for the purpose. Kana hadé mohal, It is not likely to do any good. Jadi kana goréng, It will turn out bad. This word is evidently compounded of the particle Ka which see, and na, his, her, its- possessive pronoun.

Kanang'a, name of a tree with its yellow flower, which is much sought after by the natives to stick in their hair, Unona Odorata.

Kanari, name of a tree, the fruit of which yields a fine esculent oil; Canarium Com-