Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/251

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Kréta, a carriage, a coach, a cart on European wheels. Karatté, C. 108. any kind of wheeled carriage. (Prof. T. Roorda derives the word from the Portuguese Carreto. Fr.)

Kris, the well known Malay weapon or dagger of this name.

Krisna, a Hindu god. Clough gives at Page 153 the following account. Krisna or more properly Krishna. In Hindu mythology Krishna is considered the most celebrated form of Vishnu, or rather Vishnu himself; in that form he is, however, distinct from the 10 avatars or incarnations of Vishnu, being always indentified with the deity himself. One of the names of Arjuna the charioteer of the Sun.

Kromong, a metal instrument to be beat, belonging to the gamelan. (See Koromong.)

Krosi, arabic, a chair, a stool. (كرسي Kursi.)

Ku, with, by- Béak ku bědul, destroyed by the pigs. Ku aing, I will take it. Ku batur, taken by my companions.

Kuah, gravey, juice, sauce, broth.

Kuat or Kuwat, arabic, strong, able, vigorous. To měunang kuwat I cannot put strength to it. I cannot use my strength. Kuwat nakěr, he is very strong. (قوة Quwwat, strength.)

Kuběr, to stir up a water or liquid, into which some substance has been thrown, so as to mix the whole thoroughly. (Jav. Kěbur idem.)

Kuchai, shalots, a variety of small onion planted in humahs.

Kuchěl, faded and soiled. Anything which from much use has lost its freshness.

Kuchubung, the barrel of a gun, the bore of a gun.

Kuchubung, name of a plant. Datura metel and ferox; the thorn apple. Dhuttura, C. 302, the thorn apple, stramonium. It is a shrubby plant with deeply indented leaves; bears a round pod or seed cell, one inch in diameter, covered with blunt thorns, and contains a lot of small brown seeds which are given to Perkutut doves to clear their voices and make them sing; also given to Jangkriks, a kind of grasshopper to make them fight to death. For man it is considered a deadly poison, but in small quantities is mixed with adulterated opium to give it an unnatural stimulus.

Kuda, a horse. Kudra in Tamil, a horse.

Kuda, a denomination for some of the chiefs in old Javanese history. It is most probably Kuda, C. 128, small, little, diminutive, and thus indicating the younger, as it is still used in this sense in Ceylon. So Kuda Laléan, is the grandson of the celebrated Panji. (It means, I think, also in this title a horse, being a strong animal; cf. Kěbo, or Munding and Mahisha, a buffalo, further Punggawa, a bull, Lémbu id. and also Gaja, elephant, as titles of chiefs in Javanese and Balinese History. Fr.)

Kuda awéwé, a mare, a female horse.

Kuda bapa, a stallion, a father horse; a stallion kept for covering mares.

Kuda baralak, a cock-tailed horse; a horse with a stiff and rigid tail.

Kuda-kuda, two stout pieces of wood joined like an X, with a pole projecting from the middle. Such kuda-kuda are universally used by carpenters to lay their wood on which