Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/396

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adjusted to different distances. Around these the different coloured threads are wound and thus the pattern to be woven is given.

Pihapé, to consign to the care of another. To give in trust. To place for security with some one else. Anak kula di pihapékěn ka batur, I entrusted my child to the care of the neighbours. Banda ulah di pihapékěn kaděungan, do not entrust your property to strangers.

Pihatu, an orphan. One without connexions or friends.

Pihutang, debts receivable, money that is owing us. Money due on credit.

Pi-it, name of a small bird, very troublesome to standing, ripe paddy. Called about Batavia Prit. The bird nestles about houses like the sparrow.

Pijahěut, a soreness or scab on the skin, which is very itchy.

Pikat, to allure, to decoy, to entice. To entrap. A method of catching birds in a cage in which there is a decoy bird. This is the way by which the Pěrkutut is caught.

Pikir, Arabic, to meditate, to consider, to think, to cogitate. Fikir, Marsden 208, of same meaning.

Pikiran, thought, idea. Pikiran kula, as I think, according to my idea.

Pikul, a certain weight consisting of 100 catties or katis. The word itself is Malay and means to carry on the shoulder. The weight and its divisions were no doubt originally Chinese, who call the picul, Tan, and its subdivisions kati, Kin. The English generally reckon the pikul at 133⅓ ℔s avoirdupois; but on Java the picul is 125 ℔s Amsterdam weight, which are equal to 135,64 ℔s avoirdupois or 61,52 kilogrammes. The picul of Java is generally taken in commerce at 136 ℔s avoirdupois. The Malays may have given the name of Pikul to the Chinese Tan, as for occasional use the Dachin or weighing yard is provided with a ring, through which a staff passes which rests on two men's shoulders, whilst weighing is going on.

Pikul, to carry by means of a stick laid across the shoulder. Rarely heard, the more usual expression being Tanggung.

Pilěulěuyan, adieu, farewell. Compliments at parting.

Pilih, to pick, to select, to choose; to assort.

Pilihan, to pick, to select. Choice; the thing chosen.

Pilihaněum, what is still to be picked. Anything which has still to be assorted.

Pimahi-ěun, wherewithall; sufficient for any purpose. Competency.

Pinang, the Areca nut palm. Areca Catechu. The Areca nut or Betle nut is in universal daily use among the natives for chewing with sěurěuh. This palm is slenderer in the stem than the cocoa nut tree, and is very graceful.

Pinang réndé, name of a dwarf Areca nut tree, Areca Pumila. Réndah is Malay for lowly, humble, but is not used separately in Sunda, in which language even the original word Réndah has been corrupted into Réndé.

Pinara, the bank of a canal or watercourse. The side of an artificial waterway. Apparently a modification of Pāra, C. 387, a way, a road, a path; the further, or opposite bank of a river.