Page:An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu/114

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Exports. Quantity. Price at Rio Total value.
13,000 chests of 15,00 cwt. each.
4d. per lb. £325,000
5,000 leaguers of 150 galls. each
15d. per gall. 46,875
Coffeeb 800,000 lb. wt. 6d per lb 40,000
Gold 400,000 half joes 2l. each 800,000
700,000 Spanish dollars
5s. each 175,000
Raw Hidesd 3,000 tons

Rice 500 tons 25l. a ton 7,500
Cotton 800 tons 1s. per lb. 89,600
Indigo trifling, perhaps

variable, perhaps about 30,000
Dye wood
Total value of Exports, £1,613,975
a 200 leaguers are sent to Angola for the purchase of slaves.

b In the year 1794, 40,000 lb, of coffee only was exported.
c This is sent to China and India. The Brasils have no silver mines, but procure it from the Spanish settlements in dollars: part is recoined into crown pieces for Colonial currency.
d Brought from Rio Grande.
e Procured from the Spanish settlements on the Rio Plata.
f Increasing.

About fifty ships, from three hundred to eight hundred tons each, sail annually from this port to Europe; these
