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Many Women Have Visceroptosis
and Suffer from Its Ill Effects for Years,
Without Realizing They Have It


EDICAL EXAMINATIONS of many thousands of women show that 70% of all women suffer in one way or another from ptosis. This, as previously explained, is a sagging of the abdominal wall and the organs inside of the abdominal cavity.

How many women can you point to, in fact, over 30 years of age, whose abdomens have not begun to sag a little?

Only a very few of these seven out of every ten women, however, realize they have fallen organs and that this condition is frequently the cause of their headaches, constipation and various other ailments.

In fact, an astonishingly large number of women have visceroptosis--and suffer from its ill effects for years--without realizing that their organs have prolapsed. The average woman will not bother to be X-rayed, so when she suffers from these ailments, she thinks it is something which cannot be helped.

This condition, however, can be avoided if the necessary precautions are taken, and in designing each Barcley corset or support, the purpose of the designer is to either prevent it entirely--or, if the condition already exists, to give relief from its ill effects by elevating the organs so they can function properly.