Page:Barlaam and Josaphat. English lives of Buddha.djvu/15

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I have, however, ventured to differ at times from the conclusions which Dr. Kuhn draws from the elaborate series of scholarly facts which he has brought together in his monograph. In the second of my Appendices I have been able to add here and there some further references beyond those collected by Dr. Kuhn, while I may flatter myself that I have arranged all that he has collected in a form more easy of access to the folk-lore student. I have endeavoured to separate the scaffolding of scholarship from the goodly fabric which the results of recent research has erected with some toil. But in order to do this I have been obliged to relegate to the Appendices several good stories and apologues which I can recommend to the reader. It has been my aim to bring within moderate compass a concise statement of the results already reached about this remarkable legend, with full bibliographical references to the critical discussions, where the student can find exact details on the many points of interest or obscurity with which the whole subject bristles.