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Diagram 3.

Diagram 3 shows another typical large figure, weight about 240 pounds, age fifty-six years. Slight rupture had occurred after abdominal operation some years before. One of the or­dinary popular commercial cor­sets was worn, which cut in across the back at the waist line, pressed upon the diaphragm and forced the abdomen downward. as shown by the broken outline. The dotted outline indicates the body without corsets, which was not so badly out of shape as with the corset worn. The black out­line shows the restoration of correct poise, lifting of head and chest and strong abdominal sup­port of the corrective corset.

After one year's wear of the corrective corset the patient is appreciably younger in appear­ance. She has resumed much of the work which she had for some years been unable to per­form and the tone and vitality of the whole body are greatly im­proved, owing to the perfect support of the abdomen and freedom from constriction of the upper portion of the body.