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of our colonial possessions. My father considered me eminently fitted for such a career, as I was at once enterprizing and persevering, and, being blessed with a robust constitution and a splendid muscular development, he thought I should be able to rough it in the bush.

In another point of view my father considered me just the kind of person to become a colonist. I was well grounded in religion and much attached to the Church, of which he himself was a devoted member and priest. I was a sworn admirer of the institutions of my country, and there was no fear but that I would heartily co-operate with those colonists who were endeavouring to reproduce, in their adopted country, the manners, customs and forms of government of the country of their birth.

My father sincerely believed, and I shared his belief, that it should be the endeavour of all English colonists to dot the world over with little facsimiles of England, as far as the circumstances of the case would permit. But since they could not carry their beloved Sovereign along with them, yet they could show their loyalty to the throne by their devotion to its representative abroad; and they would resist, with all their might, the efforts of demagogues and free-thinkers to introduce new-fangled forms of government, under pretence of securing the greatest liberty and happiness to the greatest number. Under the careful tuition of my revered parent, I came to hate a radical almost as heartily as I abhorred an infidel.

A cousin of my own, by my mother's side, had been some years successfully settled in Australia, and he was anxious that I should join him, as his farming operations were on so large a scale that he required