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glory: yet, in them, it is held forth in more fulneſſe, evidence, and ſpirituall efficacy[1], to all nations, both to Iews and Gentiles[2]; and, is called the New Teſtament[3]. There are not therefore Two Covenants of Grace, differing in ſubſtance, but one and the ſame, under various diſpenſations[4].

Chap. VIII.

Of Chriſt the Mediatour.

IT pleaſed God, in his eternall purpoſe, to chooſe and ordain the Lord Jeſus, His only begotten Son, to bee the Mediatour between God and Man[5]; the Prophet[6], Prieſt [7], and King[8], the Head, and Saviour of his Church[9], the Heir of all things[10], and Judge of the World[11]: Vnto whom He did from all eternity give a People, to be his Seed[12], and to be by him in time Redeemed, Called, Juſtified, Sanctified, and Glorified[13].

II. The Son of God, the ſecond Perſon in the Trinity, being very and eternall God, of one ſubſtance, and equall with the Father; did, when the fulneſse of time was come, take upon Him mans nature[14], with all the eſſentiall properties, and common infirmities thereof, yet, without ſin[15]: being conceived by the Power of the Holy Ghoſt, in the womb of the Virgin Mary, of her ſubſtance[16]. So that, two whole, perfect, and diſtinct Natures, the God-head and the Man-hood, were inſeparably joyned together in one Perſon, without Converſion, Compoſition, or Confuſion[17]. Which perſon, is ve-