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died on Oct. 12, 1863. Lyndhurst's attainments as a lawyer and ability as a debater have never been questioned; but lack of earnestness prevented him from becoming great statesman or orator in the fullest sense of either term.

Lyne, Sir Wm. J., since 1899 premier of New South Wales and minister for home affairs in the new commonwealth, is a Tas-manian by birth. He entered the New South Wales legislature in 1880, and for a time was leader of the opposition, an ardent free-trader and, at first, opposed to Australian federation. He has loyally accepted it, since it has become an accomplished fact.

Lynn, a city and port of Massachusetts, on Massachusetts Bay, 10 miles from Boston, with which it is connected by railroad and street-cars. In the residential portion are many handsome villas belonging to Boston merchants. The principal industries are the manufacture of women's and children's shoes, electrical machinery and supplies. Its manufactured products rank second in valuation in New England. Population 89,336.

Lynx, an animal of the cat family. The fur is of value. There are two common spe-


cies in America, the Canada lynx and the red lynx. It is probable, however, that these are only geographical varieties of one species. They both have long fur and short tails, and are tree-climbers, preying upon small mammals and birds. The Canada lynx is the more northern kind; it extends across the continent to British Columbia and Alaska, and sometimes crosses the border into our northern states. A very similar form occurs in northern Asia and Europe It is a terrifying

animal, but is said In reality to oe a coward. It is about three feet in length, has a lean body with long legs and large hairy paws, heavy fur of gray mottled with brown, long side-whiskers that stand far out from the face, stiff black hairs rising from the tip of each ear and very large eyes. It can climb and swim with ease. The red lynx or bay lynx is the parwcular form called the wildcat, bob-cat or catamount. It once was common in all wooded regions of the United States, and is still to be found in rough forest-lands practically throughout the country; as in Maine, Virginia, Tennessee and "the bad lands" and mountains of Wyoming, Montana, Colorado and Texas. It is as large as the Canada lynx, but its fur is not so long, its paws being much smaller, its ear-tufts less conspicuous. It varies in color — often a yellow-brown tinged with red (ruddier in summer), coat spotted with brown or black, chin and throat white. While reputed fierce and wild, it is not aggressive; but it fights savagely when cornered or compelled to defend its cubs. As a rule it is shy and cautious, trying to keep out of sight. In hunting, it is its habit to lie in wait and spring from ambush rather than trail and pursue. To startle game into movement it will utter the scream for which it is noted and which is variously described by those who have heard it as like the shrill yell of an angry infant; or as a blood-curdling mixture of growls and caterwauls. It feeds upon squirrels, pheasants or hares, and destroys large numbers of birds and mice. It sleeps in cavern or hollow tree, and often rests at midday stretched along a limb in the sun0 The northern lynx of the Old World is supposed to be only a variety of those of North America. It is reddish gray, more or less spotted. It has long fur, short tail and ears tipped with a few long hairs. In size it ranges from two and one half to three and one half feet, not counting the tail. The fur is of value. See Stone and Cram: American Animals and Horna-day's American Natural History.

Ly'on, Mary, founder of Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, now Mt. Holyoke College, was born at Buckland, Mass., Feb. 28, 1797. By great effort and perseverance she succeeded in obtaining a good education, qualifying herself for the teacher's profession, and for several years taught in the public schools of the state. In 1837 s^e founded her famous seminary upon the plan of uniting domestic labor with intellectual culture. Her success in presiding over this caused many similar institutions xo be established throughout the country, and the name of Mary Lyon has become a household word among all friends of the education and elevation of woman. She died at South Hadley, Mass., March ^ 1849.

Lyon, Gen. Nathaniel, a brave American soldier, was born at Ashford, Conn., July 14, 1818. He graduated at West Point in