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to his father and afterward was made umpire by Juno, Minerva and Venus as to which goddess was entitled to the golden apple of discord. Venus bribed him by offering him the most beautiful woman as a wife and he decided in her favor. He carried away Helen, the wife of Menelaus, and caused the Trojan War. In it he killed Achilles, and was himself wounded by a poisoned arrow from which he died. See Tennyson's Œnone.

Paris, Tex., a city, county-seat of Lamar County, having the service of four railroads. The county court-house is a magnificent building, and the government court-house and postoffice are also noteworthy. The leading industries are cottonseed-oil mills, a cotton oil refinery, flour mills, an iron foundry, candy, mattress and broom factories and woodworking establishments. Paris has an exceptionally fine public school system, its high school being affiliated with the University of Texas. It has several churches, all modern improvements and a population of 11,269.

Paris, Count de (Louis Philippe Albert d'Orléans), a descendant of the French Bourbons, son of the Duc d'Orléans, grandson of King Louis Philippe and claimant to the throne of France. He was born at Paris, Aug. 24, 1838; educated in England; and acquired considerable military experience during the Civil War in America as a member of the staff of Gen. George B. McClellan. He married in 1864 his cousin, the daughter of the Duc de Montpensier, by whom he had six children. He was admitted to the National Assembly in 1871, at the close of the Franco-Prussian War; and that body voted the restitution of the property of his family. In 1873 he acknowledged the Comte de Chambord as the representative of the royal house of France, but on the death of that person in 1883 he united in himself the claims of both branches of the Bourbon claimants and was forced to leave France in 1886 by reason of the expulsion act. After this he lived in England in retirement until his son tried in 1890 to enlist in the French army in violation of the law of exile. This being detected, some excitement was caused by the apparent revival of his claims. His printed works are two: one the History of the Civil War in America and the other the Condition of the English Workman. He died at Stowe House, Buckinghamshire, England, Sept. 8, 1894.

Park, Mungo, an African traveler, was born in Scotland, Sept. 20, 1771. He became assistant surgeon on the Worcester and on his return offered his services to the African Association and sailed from England, May 22, 1795. After learning the Mandingo language at Pisania he set out, but soon fell into the hands of a Moorish king, who made him prisoner, but from whom he escaped in 1796. He wrote an account of his travels in a work, Travels in the Interior of Africa. In 1799 he married at Selkirk, but the life of a country surgeon was too quiet for him, so in 1805 he sailed for the Niger country, in Africa, on behalf of the government. His account of the second voyage was published in 1815, and has been of much value to subsequent explorers. See Joseph Thomson's Mungo Park.

Par′ker, Col. Sir Gilbert, M. P., Anglo-Canadian novelist and since 1900 English member of Parliament, was born in Canada, Nov. 23, 1862, and educated at Trinity University, Toronto, from which he holds the degree of D. C. L. He was trained to journalism in Australia, whither he proceeded in 1886 when in indifferent health, and there first began his literary and powerful dramatic work. This consisted of an adaptation of Goethe's Faust for the stage, a drama entitled The Vendetta and a book of travel—Around the Compass in Australia. Removing to England, he there entered on an active and successful literary career in writing stories and novels of French Canada and the Canadian Northwest and doing for the romantic side of Canadian life what Kipling has done for England. His subsequent work deals with life in Egypt and the Channel Islands. Sir Gilbert is an ardent Imperialist. His novels include Pierre and his People, Mrs. Falchion, The Trespasser, When Valmond Came to Pontiac, The Seats of the Mighty, which has also been dramatized, The Pomp of the Lavilattes, The Battle of the Strong, The Right of Way, The Trail of the Sword, The Translation of a Savage, Donovan Pasha, A Ladder of Swords, a play, The Wedding Day, and a History of Old Quebec. His latest novel, The Weavers, appeared in 1907, and is a romance of England and Egypt.

Parker, Horatio. Composer and professor of music at Yale University; born at Auburndale, Mass., September 15, 1863. After the early lessons of his mother he studied with Emery, Orth and Chadwick in Boston and later with Rheinberger in Munich. His versatility is apparent in the long list of works from his pen ranging from songs and piano pieces to oratorios and symphonies. Among his more important compositions are Hora Novissima, A Wanderer's Psalm, The Legend of St. Christopher and an organ concerto. Professor Parker has received the honorary degrees of M. A. from Yale and of Mus. Doc. from Cambridge University, England.

Parker, Theodore, a great American preacher, was born, Aug. 24, 1810, at Lexington, Mass., and graduated from Harvard Divinity School in 1836, and the next year became a Unitarian minister at West Roxbury. He was somewhat separated from the conservative Unitarians, as shown by his The Transient and Permanent in Christianity and his Discourses of Matters pertaining to Religion, followed by Sermons of the Times, all of which attracted widespread notice and comment. He lectured throughout the coun-