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La Hague and Christ Healing the Sick are among his best paintings, of which he left nearly 400. He died in 1820, and was buried in St. Paul's, London. Consult Cunningham's Lives of Eminent Painters and Redgrave's Century of Painters of the English School.

West Ches'ter, Pa., a borough, the seat of Chester County, on the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington railways, 24 miles west of Philadelphia. It was settled, incorporated as a town, and later became a borough, about the close of the 18th century. Its institutions (besides the county court-house, jail and municipal buildings) embrace Chester County Hospital, State Normal School, seminaries, schools, churches and a public library, in addition to two attractive parks. Near by is the battlefield of the Brandywine (q. f.), and the region is noted for its market gardening and dairying interests. Its industries include dairying implements, cream-separators, planiiig-mills, machine-shops, a tag~factory, grain-elevators and wheel-works. Population 11,767.

West'cott, Brooke Foss, an English prelate, writer and biblical scholar, was born near Birmingham in 1825, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. He successively was a master at Harrow, canon of Peterborough, regius professor of divinity at Cambridge and canon of Westminster, and in 1890 was appointed bishop of Durham. He interested himself in the miners there, gained their trust, and settled and prevented difficulties between them and the mine-owners. He stood well up among scholars and theologians. With F. A. Hort he spent 28 years in ascertaining the true text of the Greek New Testament. Their text is considered authoritative and almost final, • and forms the basis of the revised version in English, of which also he was one of the makers (1874-81). He is one of the glories of the church universal. His writings are numerous, embracing a History of the Canon of the New Testament, Introduction to the Study of the Gospels, History of the English Bible, The Gospel of the Resurrection, The Gospel of Life, Social Aspects of Christianity, The Historic Faith, The Revelation of the Risen Lord and Characteristics of the Gospel Miracles. He died on July 27, 1901.

Westerly, R. I., a town embracing a group of villages in Washington County on Pawcatuck River and the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railrqad, 42 miles southwest of Providence. Settled and incorporated in the latter half of the iyth century, it has become the center of farming interests, manufacturing and considerable granite-quarry ing. Its manufactures embrace printing-presses, woolen and cotton goods and thread. Wilcox Park is an attaractive local resort, as is also Watch Hill in summer, where there is good bath-

ing on the shore of Long Island Sound. Population 8,696.

Western, The, a college for women located at Oxford, O., was established in 1853, as The Western Female Seminary. In 1894 the name was changed to The Western, a college and seminary for women. It has 27 instructors, 245 students and a library of 13,143 volumes. See OXFORD, O.

Western Australia forms about a third of Australia (q. v.), and is 1,400 miles long and 850 broad, covering 975,920 square miles, with a coast of 3,500 miles. The Murray, Blackstone, Swan and Murchison, 400 miles long, the Fitzroy and the Ord are some of the principal rivers. The country is mostly level, covered with forests, with a dry, sandy region in the interior and a few, shallow, salt lakes. The Darling> Victoria and Herschel are the principal mountain-ranges — not over 3,000 feet high. The eucalyptus, mahogany, red gum, York gum, jarrah, baobab, sandal-wood, grass-tree, paper-bark tree and mangrove are some of the peculiar trees, while the kangaroo, wombat, wallaby and dingo or wild dog are found among the animals. The raising of sheep, goats and cattle is the most important industry; the fisheries, including turtle, rock-cod and snapper, provide material for the canneries; and the pearl-fisheries are increasing in value;-salt, raisins, castor-oil, honey, wax, manna, gums and wine are other products. Gold is found in Kimberley; magnetic iron ore at Mt. Magnet; lead and copper in the Victoria region, besides silver and plumbago. In 1906-7 the government expended £169,753 on its schools. There were 376 public schools, with 28,927 pupils in attendance and 108 private schools with 7,515 pupils. There were 1,990 miles of railway and 10,000 miles of telegraph. Western Australia is a British state, first settled by a convict-colony at Port Jackson, but it made little growth until convict-labor was introduced. From 1850 to 1868, 10,000 convicts were brought into the country. The capital is Perth (population 50,527). Population of the state 184,124.

West'field, Mass., a town, consisting of a group of early settled villages, in Hamp-den County, on Westfield River and on the Boston and Albany and New York, New Haven and Hartford railroads, nine miles west of Springfield. Its institutions include a state normal school, Noble Hospital and Westfield Athenaeum. The town owns and operates its own waterworks, gas andj electric-light plant, and has an attractive resort in Woronoco Park. Its industries embrace the manufacture of bicycles, radiators, boilers, cigars, driving-whips, organs, thread and boxes. It also has paper-mills, brick-yards and machine-shops. Population 16,044