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What man is known only as another's biographer? 249.

What can you tell about The Traveler and The Deserted Village? 778,

Whose poems combine intense passion and wonderful sweetness? 293.

Whose poems are the most musical in the language? 1090.

What was Goldsmith's most popular novel? 1090, 2018.

What friend of Goldsmith made a famous dictionary? 976.

What other friend was a great orator and a master of prose? 291.

Whose poetry greatly influenced later poets? 2109.

What are the most popular of Burns' writings? 293.

What are the general features of the literature of the nineteenth century? 1090.

Who wrote The Ancient Mariner? 421.

Who wrote TJie Excursion? 2110.

Who was the poet of Scotch chivalric legends? 1709.

Where was his home? 2.

What were his principal poems and novels? 1709.

Immediately following Scott, what poet became the first of tis time? 298.

Who were the poets of brilliant imagination and intense passion? 994, 1738.

Why were not Campbell and Southey appreciated? 1090.

What man and his wife were great poets? 1090.

What poet was called a "soul of fire in a shell of pearl"? 276.

Who is generally considered the greatest English poet of the nineteenth century?

When was The Ediribur'b Review started? 1090.

Who were some of its principal contributors? 274, 336, 522, 1023, 1130, 2092.

Of whom was it said: There go Archimedes, Chesterfield, Demosthenes, Lycurgus, Newton and Solon in one? 274.

Against whom was brought the accusation that omniscience was his •forte and infallibility his foible? 1130.

What department of English literature took the lead during the century? 1090.

Who were the leading English novelists? 1090.

What great novelist was charged with taking his characters from actual life? 529.

Who wrote Lucilef What was his pen-name? 1128.

Who are some leading English historians? 1090.

What are some of the important biographies of recent years? 11****

What are the most notable books in politics? 1091.

What are the merits of The English Men of Letters Series? 1091.

What names stand among modern essayists? 1091.

What writers have defended theism? 1092.

Who were the leading scientific men of the period? 1091.

What poets have appeared since Tennyson and Browning? 1092.

What biographers of famous men have appeared since 1880? 1091.

Who are some of the leaders in recent "belles-lettres? 1091, 1092.

Who were prominent in philosophy? 1092.

Name recent historians and their works. 1091.

What effect have Ruskin's views had on English art? 1644.

What famous poem, found almost everywhere, brought the write! only twenty-five dollars for the copyright? 1229.

What Scotch girl was made immortal by the pen of John Brown? 1172.

Who was the greatest writer of sea-stories? 1176.

What bodk made Thomas More famous? 1996.

Who was the translator of Ossianf 1397.

What celebrated author was in debt $700,000 at the age of 55, all of which h'e paid with his pen? 1709.

Who declined the position of poet-laureate in favor of Southey? 1709.

What book did Dr. Johnson assert to be the first in the world for its knowledge of the human heart? 1611.

Who was called the Father of English Poetry? 374.