Page:Legislative History of the AAF and USAF.djvu/128

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�This Page Declassified lAW EO12958 USAIr Hzszo?[cA?. Sru=r?s -- t21 vetstry MAFB, Ale., Jan 1952), pp 4-5, t5-17, L'? the period between the inception of the Officer Personnel Act and 1 g?uary 1?52, total of 2?4 o?cers of the ? were passed over for the se?nd time by ?heir select?n boar& and either removed or scheduled for removal from the active li?t. 64. 62 ?t?l 1069-?0. ?ltle [ and ? of the O?c? Personnel Act were amended ? Con?ess ?950 bu? th?s concerned onty o?cers of the Navy and the Mar?e C?p?, 6? ?t?i 65. 62 ?t?t. 1081-84 ?, 2162. 57. ?zd., 2186; 62 Jilt 1084-1086. 68 U.?. Code ? Co?g ?.., ?0 Co?g.. 2 So?. . 1948, C, ?1?8-9; 6? 3?½t 1087-91, 59. N?k ?1, Es?b, A?n? R½?o? o/ii?e oJ i?e At? Force j? ike F?i ?½½? I9?8. p 16. 70 M?mo for ?lef, Mfii?ry Perso.el Diwsion, from CoL ?ber? H. ?rren, AO, ?rocuremen? ?r?nch, subj.: ?e½?l?tve Eecommend?tions (3 Apr 194½), in D?, Le?lsl?on, 1947. ql. Memo fo? the Ohi? of ?r St? from Gem H?h ?. ?err, USA, Se=re?ry General, The ?r ?o?rd, sub j: Vroposed O?cer S?c?are fo? ?e A? Forces Within [? tio?l M?i?ry Es?blmhmen? (4 3une 194q), ? D?B, O?c? C?n?d?½ ?chool, Folder Proposed O?cer P?Y S?ru?u? for ?he Air ?orees ?i?h? l? ?ation?l ?i[? Es?blish- men?. 1947. ?2, ? ?rom AO/AS-1 ? Deputy C?ef of Air Staff, subL: ?r Force PaY BiB (? Aug. 194?, ? D?, O?cer Candidate School, Folder Proposed O?er Pay Structure for the Air Forces Wl?h? the Natrenal Mfll?z7 Estab- lishend, 194?. G?eral ?eer's study was made available ? thee co--trees ?udy?g the o?cers' pay que?fion for their ?e and ?ormation ?3. Ibid, ?4 "Background of the ?port," Azm? ?5 "Career Ccmpe?ation for the Services," I?o?o? D?e?, ? (?ebru? 1949). p 39 ?6. 56 St?t. ?59-69. The provis?on? ol t?s act also applied W per?o?½! of ?e C?t Guard, the Coast, an? Qe0detIc S?ey, and the Public HeaIth Service ?. 60 St?t. 343-45. ?8, 61 ?tat, 134 ?9. U ? Co? & Co?g, Set,, 81 Oo?g., I ?c?s , 19?9, ?, ?, "Co?e? Comple?es Action on ?y Presid?[ ? Si? Next ?eek; P? 19?), p 105. 81, "PreMden? Si? PsY Ac?; Effective 1 Ar?Y ?d N½? jo?n?i. ? (15 1949), p. 165. 82. U,S. Code & Co.g. Se?.. 8? Co.g., I Se?s.. 19?9, ?, 2089-92; ?3 Slet. 802-41 83. Arm? a?d N½? Jo=r?a[, ? (8 Oct 1949). 147. 84. Ibtg., (12 j?e 1949), p. 105. 85. 6a Star, 825-27. 8õ 55 $t?l. 240; 03 Staff 83%', 87 63 St=t, 108 This ac? also provided tha? a?a- tlon cadets were not to rec?ve ?centlve It aet?lly reduced ?ylng pay from ?0 Der cent of base pay ?o a $1id?g ?cale w?ch ranged i?m 41 per cent of ba?e ?ay for ?econd lieuten? W 18 Der cent for generals. The Mi? ?nctiom Act of 19t? had Drovtded ?hat non-fiy? o?cera ?hould no? receive fiY?g D?Y i? excess 0f $?20 Der a?um, I? had a?o s9?fi? ?hat flight ?urgeom 9? com- m?Moned or wa?ant o?cers undergoing tra?n? were W be de?ed as fiyl? o?cers. 88 U S. Code & Co?. ?er., 81 tong., ? Sess , I950, 89. ?z?., 3?62-?4, ?.8. Star 79?-97 90 Neann?s belore t?e Committee o= Armed Serv? o? ?e Ho?e of ?e?rese?tati?es M:ht? Estab?½s?me?t. 1951, 82 Gong., 3 (Was?ng?n, 1951), 2235 91. Ib:g,, 2250. 92. 66 Et½t. 93. 63 5tat. 5?0-7?. 94, The Azr?½ft Yearbook, 1950, P. I30; ?omas K Fl?etter, Se?ia?,ual ?eport o/the ?eere- tary O/ the A? Force, January I ?o l?½ 30 1951, pD 225-27. 95. 60 Stai. 1?1, 96 62 3t?t. ?01-44; 65 ?t?t. 75-89 97 Hearings Before the S½?at½ Committee Arme? 5e?zce, 80 Cong., 2 S½ss., (25 ?r 1948), pp 381?82. 98 A?y A?r Foroe? Statistical :gest, 1946, p 13. 99 62 ?t?f. 605. 100. U S. News & W?{? Ee?orl, ? (25 Mar. 1949), p. 16. 101. Thomas K Finlet?, ?mi?] ?e?ort t?e 3ecretar? o[ t?½ ?r Force, Janua? I to J?ne 30 I951, pp pp 198-00, 102. ?2 Sial. $17 103 62 ?tat 3?1-75 104 Department of Defense, Se?a?al Re,oFt Ju?e 30. ?951. p 233. 10? ?a? Mfi. Estb., F, rst ?eporl oj the 3ecreta? Cc?., 2 Se?s (approved 25 J?e 1948) ?r?d authority to the U? for the a?straUon of mtlita? j?ce s?mHar to ?at given A?y and Navy. ?eo 62 Star. 1014. 106. U.S. ?c& & Co, g. $e?.. 81 Cong.. 2 Sess., 1950 H, 222?-26; 64 StY. 107-8. 107. ?rig Gen Jam? Sheticker, M?tary Justice U2der ?½ Uniform Co?½ (BosUn, 1953). p. 4. 108. ?sociates tn ?he Social Sclene?, Detriment cf ?e Social Solenoes, United S?t? Mili? Academy, Principles o? In,rance a?d la?ed BeheSts ?or Je?tce P?so?el burg. 1953), pp. ?5-½ [hereinafter cite? as U?, Pri?ctptez oY Indraheel. 1?9. 60 ?tat. ?31?9? ?aJ. Jame? C. Ball?h. I Conve? ?y ?ance," A?g Dtgeag, ? (OcL ?95g), p. 40. THIS PAGE Declassflied lAW EO12958