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§ 206

gadarn W.M. n, Mn. W. yr afael 'the hold'; and cerbed in y gerbet honno R.M. 183; so adeilad f. 'building', cyfeddach f. as y gyfeddach. Doubtless rhedeg, ehedeg, etc. were originally f. ; O.W. trited retec CP. c third (f.) course '.

But since v.n.'s were made mas., abstract nouns of the same form have tended to follow them. Thus gwasanaeth ' service ' is mas. , because the same form continued in use as a v.n., 203 i (i). Similarly hiraeth rnas. ' longing ', see ib.


§ 206. i. Verbal adjectives are formed from the stem of the verb either without a suffix or with the suffixes -edig, -adwy and in Ml. W. -awt, -ediw. The last two suffixes are rare, even in Ml. W. ; only a few verbs have suffixless v.a.'s ; but all regular transitive verbs may have v.a.'s in -edig and -adwy. The former has usually the sense of a past pass, participle, the latter of a fut. pass. part, or gerundive.

ii. Suffixless : plan E.P. PS. cxxxvii 2 ' planted ', verb planuaf ' I plant ' ; pryn l bought ' vb. prynaf ; cwsg ' sleeping ' in bardd cwsg, vb. cysgaf\ llosg in marwor llosg 'burning embers', vb. llosgaf\ tawb ' melting ' R.M. 169, Ps. Iviii 8, ' molten ' Lev. xix 4.

iii. Suff. -edig, Ml. W. -edic : darparedic W.M. 23 ' prepared ', betidicetic L.L. 121 'blessed', emelldicetic ib. 'accursed', lladdedig ' killed ', gweledig ( seen ', caredic W.M. 37 ' loved', Mn. W. caredig ' kind ', crwydredig ' wandering '.

iv. Suff. -awt : guit gvyrhaud (=ywyb ywyrhawff) B.B. 89 ' trees [are] bent ' ; At(wyn) lloer Uewychawt B.T. 9 ' sweet [is the] moon shining '.

v. SufF. -adwy : dywedadwy 169 iv (i) ' to be said' ; credadwy C.M. a i 'to be believed, credible' ; moladwy B.T. 71 'to be praised, praiseworthy ' ; ofnadwy ' terrible ', vb. ofnqf'I fear' ; cyraeddadwy 1 attainable ', vb. cyrhaebaf ' I reach ' ; safadwy ' stable ', vb. safqf

  • I stand '. -ediw is a variant of -adwy : molediw 169 v (4).

vi. Suff. -ad in cnoydrad ' wandering '. -aid in honnaid, as bit honneit 222 x (2), vb. honnaf ' I publish.'

vii. The suffixless v.a. is prob. originally the pres. part. act. in

  • -a-nts, *-e-nts : Lat. -ans, -ens ; thus llosg ' burning '< Brit. *losk-ans.