Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 25.djvu/883

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I N D E X.

Abbott, Charles C., M.D. 474
Adaptation to Climate 396
Agnosticism, Christian 78
Albinism, A Curious Case of 122
Allen, Grant 50
Allen, Grant 332
Allen, Grant 433
American Association, The 565
American Scientific Association, Meeting of the 698
Andes, The Southern, and Patagonia 574
Animals, Communication with 426
Animals, Man's Right over 759
Anomalies, Human, The Significance of 721
Anthropology, The Study of 605
Antiques, Bogus American 714
Army-Worm, The 718
Astronomers, Longevity of 60
Astronomy, The, of Primitive Peoples 620
Averröes, Sketch of 405

Bandy-legged Children, Glasgow's 400
Barometer, A Crab-Shell 140
Batteries, Storage, in Electric Lighting 143
Beaver, The, and his Works 14
Benedict, George Grenville 696
Benefaction, A Model 268
Berghaus, Dr. A. 396
Birds' Tastes for Color and Music 715
Bolton, Sarah A. C. 123
Book Notices:
"Bacteria" (Magnin and Sternberg) 130
"Flowers and their Pedigrees" (Allen) 131
"Record of Family Faculties" (Galton) 132
"Clavis Rerum." 133
"Bleaching, Dyeing, and Calico-Printing" (Gardner) 133
"Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 1882, 1883" 134
"A System of Rhetoric" (Bardeen) 135
"Energy in Nature" (Carpenter) 136
"A Defense of Modern Thought" (Le Sueur) 136
"A Plea for the Cure of Rupture" (Warren) 136