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some of the friends of Hon. Carl Schurz to entertain him at a complimentary dinner on March 2d, and inviting me to take part in the dinner.

I have a great admiration for Mr. Schurz. His character and ability have made him beloved, and a most useful member of society; and it would afford me great pleasure to unite with others of his friends in the entertainment referred to, but I am expecting to go south the latter part of February, to be absent all of March, and this will prevent my having the pleasure of uniting in this most suitable recognition of the services and high qualities for which Mr. Schurz is so notable.

Yours very truly,

(Signed,)George Said. 


St. Louis, Mo., February 28, 1899. 

Messrs. Gustav R. Schwab and others,
Dear Sirs: I had hoped, until to-day, to avail myself of the privilege, to celebrate with you the seventieth birthday of Carl Schurz.

But to my great regret, I must stay at home. To have paid this personal tribute to him, would have been a pleasure to one who has known and loved him so long and so well.

It has always seemed to me, that a man's lawyer has a better opportunity—granting capacity—to correctly read his character, than his physician, minister, or his associates in life.