Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 17.djvu/397

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Soldiers Monument. 389

has been shown to the memory of the Southern heroes, and nearly all this time the association has kept in mind the crowning effort of their labors, the erection of a Aionument to the memory of the Con- federate dead.

This last work has been finished, and on Monday the monument will be formally unveiled in the presence of many thousands of peo- ple, and with the most imposing ceremonies.

THE city's decorations.

To-day the city is being handsomely decorated, and by Monday this feature of the occasion will be complete. The decorations are far more elaborate and beautiful than on any previous anniversary of the day, and differ from the former decorations in this : that whereas many mourning emblems have heretofore been displayed, few of them are to be seen now. State, Confederate, and National colors are gracefully everywhere displayed along the streets to-day, and many of the designs are remarkably handsome and tasteful. All the indications are that the ceremonies will render the 9th of June a memorable event in the annals of our city.


Reception committees of the Ladies' Memorial Association and the Confederate veterans will be in place on Monday morning to meet the visiting commands from other cities. The Petersburg Club- rooms will be the headquarters for the veterans and the Grays' armory for the military. At i o'clock P. M. all these commands will be dined at the Grays' armory as the guests of the Ladies' Memorial Association. They will be formally welcomed there in an address to be delivered by Mayor Charles F. Collier.

At 4 o'clock the visitors will assemble at the club rooms ; A. P. Hill Camp at the Tobacco Exchange, and the visiting and local military at the artillery gun-house. The line of march will be formed on Sycamore street with the right resting at the Tobacco Exchange. The civil societies and citizens will follow in the rear. The line of march will embrace a number of the principal streets before the start is made for Blandford cemetery.


At the cemetery his Excellency Governor P. W. McKinney will preside over the ceremonies, which will be opened with prayer by Rev. J. W. Rosebro, acting chaplain of A. P. Hill Camp.