Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 26.djvu/331

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Tin /{nriiiiii/ <>f ( '/,,!>, i/it />///////. 321

and tin- horses were unsaddled and turned out to graze not dream - iny oi moli-station by the Yankees. But in this we were deceived. They had kept close up to us, and towards morning they captured our outposts by disguising themselves as Confederates and stating they wen- sent to relieve them.

This left the road open and clear to our camp. Just as daylight an to show itself over the mountain the sleeping camp was aroused l>y volley after volley in quick succession, and the whistle of thou- sands of bullets greeted the ear. Averill's 2,500 cavalry were incur < amp. As soon as our men understood what was the matter a gen- eral fight commenced, the horses stampeded, and a scene of confu- sion took place not easily described. The Federals had as their war- ery, " Remember Chambersburg!"

It was a prevalent story in camp that Averill'smen were instructed to take no prisoners. We lost 100 men by capture and a large num- ber killed how many I don't know. I was sleeping near the bat-' u-ry. and had an opportunity to see the awful destruction it did when Averill attempted to force the ford. In five minutes the water was blue with floating corpses.

Lieutenant Alfred Mackey, of Rockbridge, was killed instantly; a brave and good man, who refused to surrender, and was shot through, the ball entering under his armpit. I was more fortunate than many; I rode a horse that could not be turned out to graze, as it was diffi- cult to catch him. I had picketed him, and about five minutes be- fore the attack he woke me up by stepping over me, a habit he had. Noticing that he had consumed all the grass in reach, I thought I would move him where he could get more. While doing this I heard the first shot, and then a number in quick succession. I understood the situation at once. In two minutes men and horses were running in every direction.

After the Yankees had covered about half of the camp, I saw some men running toward Moorefield a general stampede. With noth- ing but a halter on my horse and no saddle, I turned in the same direction, and away I went at 2.40 speed, a number of Yankees close behind me, shooting all the time. My route lay up through a corn- field, the high corn at times hiding me from my pursuers. I thought my fate was sealed when I had gone about a half mile and saw a high Jefferson fence directly across my path. But my dear old friend, who had carried me out of many difficulties, seemed to gather new strength, an inspiration born of despair, as he got closer to the obstruction, and when at it, to my surprise and relief, he leaped over