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Type 7

Large bust, smaller hips, well proportioned, fleshy figure. Properly corseted by styles 32, 33, 241, 360, 361 and 434. [A front-laced corset is not advised for this figure.]

Type 8

Very fleshy abdominally, bad poise. Corrected by styles 136, 137, 191, 192, 32, 33, 593, 594, 595, 793 and 794. [A front-laced corset is to be preferred for this figure.]

A front-laced corset should not be selected if there is excessive flesh in the back. The rule is front-laced for excessive front flesh, and back-laced for excessive back flesh. The well proportioned figure, without excessive flesh front or back, may wear either front-laced or back-laced models, as she chooses.

page twenty-four