Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/374

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tPPENDI X. g,.and oblige them to fpen_ d more ot their money in bouj$, wheth? they. will or not. The next thieg which I bar but ju? take no- tice of, is your apprchenfion, that unless this flatute is farther enforced, "o? go? Mother, the univer- by ?' fity will ? * govern'd cbiMren, and by their '?. ?ok? acquaintance, jug as their ?aturgl ?rents ? are." This dreadful apprehen?on runs through your whole book, from beginning to ?'; but it is fo monRrous and groundle? a f?ppofition? ?d, withal, carries along with it fo pitiable an opinion, ?th of p?r?nta in genera, md of the Governors of th? unive}fi?, who can never furely ? fo weak, to fu?r them?l?e$ to- be g?ermd in this chi!difi? manner, that I will not infiR upon it any more. Hayin thus fredy and im artia?y given ou m _ g F.. . Y Y ?ea?ns why I ca?ot a?ee w?th you ?n the m?n article of your ?ok, wia, the ?fi?dtn? and ?n of this ta?ute, which Xou ha?e f6 much at h?rt, I ?all no? proceed to ? acquaint you, with the fame treedom, that I do agree with you te?eral partic?ars, which are occafionally hinted ?d int&f?rs'd through your whole trotiCe. Give me leave,. Sir, to p?mife tMs with a ?ort ?mentation of our unfortuna? ?, who are fig{i, almoR fingly, to R?d up in the cau? of wit- tm ?d found dOitline, again? thg united efforts o? a vicious a?d corrupt g?eration! That it ?ould ? the ?meul? hard lot of Ttrr?-Filius and Dr. ?'twton to buffet with calumny, and be? the refmt- merits of an ungrat(ul uniwerfity, ?r endsrouting