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Celery Salad.

Cut celery into small pieces, add walnuts and mix with cream salad dressing. Add dressing just before serving else it will get watery.—Mrs. W. H. Jacobs.

Cassaba Melon.

Cut Cassaba melon in shape of banana or in heart shapes; put finely chopped white grapes (can be bought, seeded, in cans for salad) around edge, in center put pomegranate seeds. Serve with French dressing.—Ada Wilson Bohnsack.

Chicken Salad.

Boil a chicken tender; skin and cut all meat into small pieces. Cut up 2 large stalks celery, 1 can peas, 1 sweet red pepper cut fine; mix and add mayonnaise dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves.—Mrs. Sodemann.

Chicken Salad.

Cut cold chicken in dice, add ½ as much celery and serve with a boiled dressing.—Mrs. Mandel Z.

Chicken Salad.

One fine large chicken boiled tender and chopped, 12 eggs boiled hard, 6 stuffed pickled peppers chopped, 1 cup melted butter or salad oil; 3 cups chopped celery, 1 teaspoon ground pepper, 2 tablespoons black mustard ground, 1 cup vinegar. Rub the yolks of the eggs with the butter or salad oil. If the chicken is fat, the oil taken from the water in which it is boiled is better than the salad oil. Chop the whites of the eggs. Put all the ingredients together, and work it until it is thoroughly mixed. If you cannot get the celery use white cabbage, and put celery seed in the cup of vinegar that you are going to use and let it stand over night. Other pickles can be used with some pepper sauce instead of the stuffed peppers. This recipe will make nearly a gallon of salad and will keep for days in a cool place.—Mrs. R. Albrecht.