Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/36

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Of the wonderfull Natures of Fire, and Earth.

THere are two things (ſaith Hermes) viz. Fire and Earth, which are ſufficient for the operation of all wonderfull things: the former is active, the latter paſſive. Fire (as ſaith Dionyſius) in all things, and through all things, comes and goes away bright, it is in all things bright, and at the ſame time occult, and unknown; When it is by it ſelf (no other matter coming to it, in which it ſhould manifeſt its proper action) it is boundleſs, and inviſible, of it ſelf ſufficient for every action that is proper to it, moveable, yielding it ſelf after a maner to all things that come next to it, renewing, guarding nature, enlightening, not comprehended by lights that are vailed over, clear, parted, leaping back, bending upwards, quick in motion, high, alwayes raiſing motions, comprehending another, not Comprehended it ſelf, not ſtanding in need of another, ſecretly increaſing of it ſelf, and manifeſting its greatneſs to things that receive it, Active, Powerfull, Inviſibly preſent in all things at once; it will not be affronted or oppoſed, but as it were in a way of revenge, it will reduce on a ſudden things into obedience to it ſelf, incomprehenſible, impalpable, not leſſened, moſt rich in all diſpenſations of it ſelf. Fire (as ſaith Pliny) is the boundleſs, and miſchievous part of the nature of things, it being a queſtion whether it deſtroys, or produceth moſt things. Fire it ſelf is one, and penetrates through all things (as ſay the Pythagorians) alſo ſpread abroad in the Heavens, and ſhining: but in the infernall place ſtreightened, dark, and tormenting, in the mid way it partakes of both. Fire therefore in it ſelf is one, but in that which receives it, manifold, and in differing ſubjects it is diſtributed in a different manner, as Cleanthes witneſſeth in Cicero. That fire then which we uſe is fetched out of other things. It is in ſtones, and is fetched out by the ſtroke of the ſteele: it is in Earth, and makes that, after digging up, to ſmoake : it is in Water, and heats ſprings, and wells: it is in the
