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ment; and, it would betray great inſenſibility, were I not aware of the advantage of delivering theſe Reports to the world, under the ſanction of your avowed approbation and patronage. Hence, Sir, I conſider the enjoyment of your good opinion as an honorable ſource of ſelf gratulation, and the teſtimony of your judgment as a ſure recommendation to the public.

Were I here inclined to purſue the beaten track of dedications, permit me, Sir, to obſerve, that an occaſion, or a ſubject, more favorable, ſeldom can occur. It is my intention, however, that this addreſs ſhould be viewed, not as the eulogy of a patron, but as an inſtrument of thanks, and a token of regard: For, Hiſtory which may applaud without the ſuſpicion of flattery, muſt hereafter do juſtice to your merits; but it is by this opportunity alone, that I could enjoy the ſatisfaction of publicly declaring the reſpect and eſteem, with which

I am, Sir,
Your obliged and
Moſt obedient Servant,
A. J. Dallas.

Philadelphia, 1ſt May, 1790.