Page:United States Reports, Volume 1.djvu/6

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( VI )

be tempted to follow my example, and render an eſſential ſervice to his country, by perſerving the principles on which the future judgments of our Courts are founded;—a matter, that, in every point of view, whether we conſider the preſent political ſituation of the Union, the improvements in the judicial ſyſtem under the Conſtitution propoſed for this State, the advancement of agriculture, or the extenſion of commerce, muſt daily become more intereſting and important to the liberty, peace, and property of every citizen.

The work now ſubmitted to public ſcrutiny, muſt, at leaſt, ſerve to facilitate the labors of the ſtudent, by appriſing him of thoſe points of law which have already been diſcuſſed and decided: Nor will it be without its uſe in furniſhing ſome hints for regulating the conduct of Referees, to whom, according to the preſent practice, a very great ſhare of the adminiſration of juſtice is entruſted. But, I confeſs, that my hopes will not be completely gratified, unleſs these Reports, likewiſe, tend to ſhew, the pure and uniform ſyſtem of juriſprudence that prevails in Philadelphia; of which, however, the beſt evidence is her flouriſhing condition at home, and her reſpectable character abroad.

If the reception of this volume juſtifies me, it is poſſible that I ſhould hereafter be induced to undertake the publication of another; for which ſufficient materials are already in my poſſeſſion. But I have ſo much occaſion to beſpeak candor for what I have done, that ſhall not be ſurprized, if it is deemed dangerous and impolitic, thus to extend the view of the Public to what I may do.

A. J. Dallas.

Philadelphia, 1ſt May, 1790.