Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1100

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1056 TREATY WITH THE SHAWVNEES. LIAY 10, 1854. assigned, or provided to be assigned or selected, shall be assigned and selected according to the legal subdivisions of United States lands, and according to the laws of the United States respecting the entry of public lands, so far as said laws are applicable; and no portion of this instrument shall be so construed as to nullify or impair this stipulation. And the said Indians hereby cede, relinquish, and convey to the United States, all tracts or parcels of land which may be sold, or are required to be sold in pursuance of any article of this instrument. Pnymentsin Anmcnm 3. In consideration of the cession and sale herein made, °°P**d°“P“°¤ °f the United States agree to pay to the Shawnee people, the sum of eivht sand eession. I . . *2 _ iundred and twenty-ume thousand dollars, in manner as follows,v1z. Forty thousand dollars to be invested by the United States, at a rate of interest not less than five per centum per annum, which, as it accrues, is to be applied to the purposes of education; that amount, with the addition of the three thousand dollars of perpetual annuities provided by the v,,;_,;;_P_49_ treaties of August third, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, v,,]_vii_ p_ 16g_ and September twentyminth, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, and now hereby agreed to be likewise so applied, together with the sum to be paid by the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, as herein after provided, being deemed by the Shawnees as suHi— cient, for the present, for such purposes. Seven hundred thousand dollars, to be paid in seven equal annual instalments, during the month of October of each year, commencing with the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four; and the residue of eightymine thousand dollars, to be paid within the same mouth of the year, after the termination of that period. pmmgm, {0, ARTICLE 4. Those of the Shawnees who may elect to live in com- Shnwmqs Glecb- mon, shall herez1fLer be permitted, if they so desire, to make separate

'Q§ug’Og{V° m selections within the bounds of the tract which may have been assigned

to them in common; and such selections shall be mode in all respects in conformity with the rule herein provided to govern those who shall, in the iirst instance, make separate selections. Sale of said ARTICLE 5. The lands heretofore described lying between the Missouri lands- State line, and the parallel line thirty miles west of it, as soon after the ratification of this instrument as can conveniently be done, shall be surveyed, in the same manner as the public lands of the United States are surveyed, the expenses thereof to be borne by the Shawnees and the _ United States in due proportion; and no white persons or citizens shall ugggzllgggs gg; be permitted to make locations or settlements within said limits, until bjdden mm, gm after allof the lands shall have been surveyed, and the Shawnees shall have made their selections and locations, and the President shall have set apart the surplus. Conditions of ARTICLE 6. The grants of land above made to missionary societies

B‘g:(‘;;‘€;$;“ and churches, shall be subject to these conditions: The grant to the

schools_ Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, at the Indian Manual Labor School, shall be confirmed to said Society, or to such person or persons as may be designated by it, by patent, from the Fresident of the United States, upon the allowance to the Shawnees, by said society, of ten thousand dollars, to be applied to the education of their youth ; which it has agreed to make. The grants for the schools established by the Baptists and Friends, shall be held by their respective Boards of Missions, so long as those schools shall be kept by them,-- when no longer used for such purpose by said Boards, the lands, with the improvements, shall, under the direction of the President, be sold at public sale, to the highest bidder, upon such terms as he may prescribe, the proceeds to be applied by the Slmwnees to such general beneficial and elmritable purposes as they may wish: Provided, That the improvements shall be valued, and the valuation deducted from the proceeds of sale, and returned to said Boards respectively.