Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1022

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970 thIEATY WITH INDIANS IN MIDDLE OREGON. JUNE 25, 1855. R. B. METGALFE, Indian Sub·Agent. C. Mmsrorm. Joram Fr.E·r·1·, Laterpreter. Dominic}: J 0mm0N, his x mark, Interpreter. Mnunw Dora, his x mark, Liteapreter. Consent of And whereas, the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of we M“"°h ae the United States for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on ` the eighth day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, advise and consent to the ratification of the same by a resolution in the words and figures following, to wit: “IE Exncurxvn SESSION, “ SENATE or zum Umrnn Sums, March 8, 1859. “Resalvsd, (two thirds of the senators present concurring,) That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of treaty between the United States and the Chiefs and Headmen of the confederated tribes and bands of Indians, residing in Middle Oregon, signed the 25th day of June, 1855. "Attest: “ASBURY DICKIN S, Svcrctary." Proclamation, Now, therefore, be it known that I, JAMES BUCHANAN, President AP"] 18• 1859- of the United States of America, do, in pursuance of the advice and ecusent of the Senate as expressed in their resolution of the eighth of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, accept, ratify, and confirm the said treaty. In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto ailixed, and have signed the same with my hand. Done at the City of Washington, this eighteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty- [SEAL.] nine, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty. third. JAMES BUCHANAN. By the President: Lnwxs Cass, Set-retaoy of State.