Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/642

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6lO CONVENTION WITH ITALY. FEBRUARY 8, 1868. at the disposalof the consular oth- della nave, e del ruolo dell’ equicers. paggio, e saranno detenuti durante Crews of ves- Their release shall be granted at il soggiorno della nave nel porto a

i‘v°;;;‘;;;§’ the mere request of such officers disposizione degli ufliciali consolari.

Expense, egmade in writing. The expenses of Essx verranno rilasciati dietro arrw and do- the arrest and detention of those domanda per iscritto presentata dal ““"‘°“‘ persons shall be paid by the consu- detto ufficiale, ele spcse dell' arreslar officers. to e della detenzione saranno pagate degli uihciali consolari. A1u·rc1.1·; XII. Amxcono XII. Disputes be- In conformity with the act of Con- In conformita all’ atto del Con-

  • f*l;‘;s*;§; gress, (5 March, 1855, " to reg- gresso 5 [3] Marzo, 1855, (to regu-

,,,,,j,,|,e;,. pee, ulate the carriage of passengers on late the carriage of passengers in seugqrs t¤_bc do- steamships and other vessels,") all steamships and other vessels) tntte

:l'£°£n:,"J£? disputes and diiierences of any na- le dispute e questioni di qualunque

trictconrts sr ture between the captains and their sorta, che possano insorgere fra i g*L?rU**i*°*l officers on one hand, and the pas- capitani e i loro utliciali, da una ,§§§;el,_2,3_ sengers of their ships on the other, parte, e i passeggicri a bordo delle vet. x. p. 715. shall be brought to and decided by loro navi dall’ altra, saranno deterthe circuit or district courts in the ite e devise dalle corti di circuito 0 United States, to the exclusion of di distretto degli Stati Uniti, ad all other courts or authorities. `exclusione d’ogni c qualunque altra corte ed autorith. Amrcns XIII. Anrrcono XIII. ccg"‘;iFJ“;;££ The respective consuls-general, Irispcttivi consoli generali, condeeertege prom consuls, vice-consuls, and consular soh, vice-consoh e agenti consolari, ships of war, or agents may arrest the officers, sail- potranno arrestare gli ufiiciali,

 ors, and all other persons making marinaj e qnalsiasi ultra persona,

’ part of the crcw of ships of war or che fcrmi parti dell' cquipaggio dei merchant vessels of their nation bastimenti mercantili e delle navi who may be guilty, or be accused da guerra della l0l`0 nazione, che of having deserted said ships and siensiresicolpevoli,o vengano accuvessels, for the purpose of sending sati di aver disertato dalle dette them on hoard or back to their navi o bastimenti, onde reintegrarli Merle et country. To that end, the consuls a hordo delle loro navi, o di farli P’°°°*l¤*`°· of Italy in the United States may rimpatriure. apply in writing to either the fed- A tal etietto gli utiiciali consolari eral, State, or municipal courts or d’Italia negli Stati Uniti potranno authorities; andthe consuls of the indirizzarsi per iscritto indistinta- United States in Italy may apply to mente alle corti o autorita federali, any of the competent authorities di Stato o municipali negli Stati and make a request in writing for Uniti, e gli nfticiali consolari degli the dosertcrs, supporting it by the Stati Uniti potranno indirizzarsi o exhibition of the register of the ves- qualsiasi competente autorita. in sel and list of the crew, or by other Italia, e fare clomnnda de’ disertori, oflicial documents, to show that the giustificanclo medinntc Pcsibizione persons claimed belong to the said del registro del bastimenttg e ldel crew. ruolo dell' equi ag io, o i a tro Upon such request alone, thus documento officioilcjzlie le persone supported, and without the exaction reclamatc formavano realmente of any oath from the consular otli- parte dcll’ cquipaggio. Dictro cers,the deserters, not being citizens tale domanda soltanto, in tal maor subjects of the country where niera. giustificata, e senza che si the demand is made at the time of possa chiedere alcun giuramento their shipping, shall be given up. degli utiiciali consolari, non si potra