Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/750

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718 INDEX. Amy, (continued.) Arsenals, (continued.) to receive full pay and allowances.. 318 proceeds ot sales . ... . . 188 a chief musician to be enlisted in each machinery, Esc. not sold, where to be _ regiment . .. 318 stored . Z . ._ , 188 duties, pay, &.e. of 318 one half of appropriation for Rock Island, no new appointments, nor promotions in tobe applied to build bridge connecting certain departments, until otherwise Rock Island with the cities of Rock Isdirected bylaw . 318 lnntiond Davenport 317 brevct rank not to entitle to precedence Artificial Lzmbs, _ or command, except by special assign- eermin officers in the military or naval ment of the President ... 318 service entitled to receive 237 such assignment not to entitle otiieer for soldiers, appropriation to pay W. S. to additional pay or allowances.. . 318 Moi·se_and Charles S. Shambaugh for Army Badges, collecting papers, &c. relating to. .310, 311 adopted by corps or division, officers and izaproprnttxon for . . .. . 316 soldiers may wear .. 261 Art, byeets o/Q Army Officer imported for presentation, to be exempt to attend to delivery of goods, &e. to trom customs duty .. 23 Kiowas and Comanches ... 584 Assay Office, Cheyennes . ... 596, 657 established at Boise City, Idaho 270 Sioux . .. 630 officers and clerks and their salaries . 270 Crows . .. 652 to take the oath and give bond . 270 Nnvajoes 669 director of mint to conduct the business. 270 Shoslionces and Bannacks . 676 regulations, returns, &e. ... 270 Army Qpicers, charges for parting, assaying, &c 270 second auditor to audit and settle ac- to he a place of deposit hir public moneys 271 counts oi] in certain cases 25 certificates of deposit to be issued in pay- Aroootoolc, Maine, ment of golddust, &c. . . . 271 customs collection, district of; established 273 where payable 271 Houlton to be port of entry 273 appropriation for construction of ... 271 collector, residence, pay, &c 273 construction to be commenced at once. . . 271 Arrcars laws of the United States extended over. 271 of pensions to be paid . 236 Assay Ojjice, New York, Arrest, appropriations for . 107, 298 sergcnnts-at-arms of the Senate and House Assessment, of Representatives may arrest and de- monthly, according to capacity of distilmin persons violating rules and regular- lery . .. 130 tions, to secure Capitol from denice- lor deficiency of capacity, &c. 134 men t, &e . . 12 again made where liabilities are increased, Arsenal Ground.-:, except in case of retail dealers 152 at St. Louis, six acres of, to he designs.!:- Assessors of Infernal Revenue, ed by the Secretary of W'nr, to be appropriations for. . 99, 290 granted to the city of St. Louis in lieu may refuse to approve ¢listiller's bond in of former grants 339 certain eases . . . 128 selection not to be nude east of western may recpiire new bond 128 line of;;rount1 occupied hy the St. Louis distiller s bond, under what circumstances and [ron Mountain ltailro u1 . 339 to be approved by ... 127, 131 time limited for erection of monument to to keep plan of distillery ... 129 General Lyon, to commence to run to give written Qonsent foralterutions in from what dnto ... . . 339 distillery . . 129 1tl`$"’l•'l[8, to survey distillery, determine the capaappropriations for repairs and improve- city, make reports in triplicate 129 ments o1` 66, 317, 318 to assess special tax upon distiller only, A11e;hnny i.. 66 when .. 129 Atnrustn .. 66, 317 to assess disti1ler’s tax monthly . 130 Baton Rouge 66 to examine distiller’s return, and deter- Benecin. ... 66, 318 mine quantity of spirits produced . 133 Colninhus, Ohio .. 317, 318 to account lor locks and seals .. 134 Fort Monroe ...,.. G6, 318 report to commissioner notice of suspen- Franktord . 66, 318 sion of work in distillery . 134 Kennebee ... . an to receive one fourth per cent commis- Lenvenivorth .. . 66, 818 sion on all taxes, &c .. . . . 138 Mount Vernon . . . 66 to assess on gauger’s report of stamps New York . .. 66 used .. 138 Pilcesville . 66, 318 to reduce working capacity of distillery Rock Island . 317 on due notice ... 138, 139 St. Louis 66 shall not discharge duties of any other Vancouver ... 63 assessor ... 145 W:ttertown.. .. 66, 318 to keep register of manufactorics of to- Wntervlict ... 66 bacco. . [ ... 154 portion of ground occupied by St. Louis, to keep abstract of monthly returns . 155 to be sold .. 167, 339 may be suspended by supervisor, when,. 145 by arsenal at Liberty, M0 .. 187, 188 may examine persons, books, and papers, other property may be sold ... . . IS? in eases of fraud or evasion .. 155