Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/795

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INDEX. 763 “ G" Street! Tfrashinglen, D. Q., ga,~,;s John W appropriations for improving H5,307 pension to . . . . 386 mg of Wasgngton to pave north half cf} Ham, Ce/mia P. ’ i •· o I ·' ° °` °' etween, c 307 u ·ment to ih 2 cos: m be assessed against private prop- Hanger? Daniel, ’ r use of A Pmm ``'`' 4M' 46 erty .. . 307 pension 00 .. . . . Gulf (load, Hawaiian Vessels, l . *89

  3ErE-gtizngor survey of  .  112, 302 discgiminating duties exacted upon meru 1 1*1 , C HU i' ~ 2

omcm- in charge of] as Washington navy Hay and Sgixzfmpomd lu, to be refunded'I yard, to receive no greanct pay shan, &c. 279 in the Distric: of Columbia when sold b Guzhgzéjzsaiz A., weiglg, tg bg sold gay zhefuen hundred 225 J .. . wen un re oun s to make ,. Guthrze, Madge IL, Haydm l}; w P 3 wu 225 pensnon 0 ... 4 approprim? n' » i. Guthrie, Robert B., psal psurxigy fd); iltigtldtiziogigs ggiikiizs pension to . .. 457 United States, by ... 306 Guyamas, Hayes, Bridget, salary of consul at, established . 57 pension to ... 449 , Hayli, LL salary {ZS zniuister resident and consulner 0. .. Hacklemdn, Sarah, Heads g; Departments, 58, 321 pension :0.: . 427 to furnish Attorney-General, &-c. informaformer pension discontinued . . .. 427 tion in reference to matters in court of Haines, §aruh E., claims previously passed upon by such pension to .. . . . . . 459 department 76 Hakodudz, m send certain cases to court of claims, salary of consul at, established . . . . . . . . . 820 . . .. 76 Hall, Cyrus, but only such as can be commenced pension to ... 453 in such court ... 77 Hall, Hinmrm L., such claims how up be procccdcd on 76 pension to ... 415 to report, at next Dcccmbcr session of Hall, J u/ie: E., Congress, number of desks, clerks, &c. 301 pension no ... . ... 451 Heatheriy, James, Hall, Z M., pension to children of . 394 amount of tonnage mx to be refuudcd to 433 Ileating and Cooking Stoves, Hallett, Jeremiah S., appropriation tor, for army ... 66, 317 pension to. .. 396 Heating and Ventilation, Hanxel, Edward, of Senate, appro riutions for. . .· .. 93, 284 pension to ... 382 of library of éiongress and Supreme IIamiItm», Arm E., Court rooms ... 96 pen=i0n to ... . ... 413 Heating Apparatus, Hamstead, Charles, i appro riations for 114 pension to . . . 407 Helena, Mgntana Territory, Hannibal, ML<ssouri, mail service between, und For: Aber-

 gud; :1 porn of delivery ... 42 crombie, to be changed to post-coach

ar rs. c. Service 254 lighthouse board may place warnings over Hennessy, Michael, obstructions in . 249 pension xo ... 372 Harbors and Rivers, Henry, I/Tolzt, repair, Svc. of public works ou . 174 pcnsion to ... 399 Harlan cmd Hollingsworth, - Hilzben, Elizabeth G., payment w .. 380 pension to ... 414 Har:ncn, Illalinda, Hibben, John G., mime no be placed on pension roll. . . . 352 pension to .. . . . . . . . ... 414 Harman, J1»m'ld¤, Higgms, Kate, act granting pension to, repealed 352 pension to ... .. . . 420 Harper’s Fmy, “Highland ]|Iury," The ling, lands, &<:. of the United States nm, to be American ncgister to issue to ... 258 sold . .. 265 Hitchcock, Hiram, terms of sale .. .. . 265 Ecnsicn no widow and children of ... 405 Secrcmry of War to execute deeds .. 265 Hite ook, [une E., adverziscments in newspapers .. 265 and children, pension to ... 405 proceeds of sale, how to be applied . 265 Hoag, Edwm B., surplus m go no West Virginia, for schoolpayment to . . 454 fund ... . .. . ... 265 Hobart, Jlhs. Ella E., portions of the property to be conveyed payment to be made w 465 to Stover College ... 266 "IIOch.eIeqa," The Bmjqc, ouher parts no other persons 266 ceruficate of rcgnsuy, or, &c. to issue to. . 122 suit respecting property ac, pending in Holc0mb, Asa E, circuit court; of Jefierson C0., West pension to ... 410 Virginia, to be removed to circuit court Hollzster, R1;/'us M., of the United States 253 payment to . . . .- .. 437