Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/739

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TREATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF PERU. SEPT. 6, 1870. 709 of her cargo, if not contraband, be de su cargamento que no sea conconfiscated, unless, after having trabando, a ménos que despues de been warned of such blockade or notiiicarsele el bloqueo 6 ataque investment by a commanding ofti- por el oiicial que mande un,-buque cer of a vessel forming part of the gue forme parte de las fuerzas bloblockading forces, she again at queadoras, intentase de nuevo entempts to enter; but she shall be trar, pero se le permitira ir a‘cualpermitted to go to any other port quier otro puerto 6 lugar que juzor place the master orsupercargo gue oportuno el maestre 6 sobre may think proper. Nor shall any cargo. Y a ningun buq-ue de una VCSSBIB i¤ ¤· DMU vessel of either party that may n otra parte, que hubiere e11tradob°f°’° l’1°°k"d°· have entered into such port or en un puerto 6lugar antes de que place before the same was actually ,fuese sitiado, bloqueado 6 atacado besieged, blockaded, or invested porla otra, si leimpedira que salga by the other, be restrained irom con su cargamento, ui si se encouleaving it with her cargo, nor, if trase alli antes 6-despues de la refound therein before or atter the duccion y eutrega, estara sujeto Vessels round in reduction or surrender, shall such el tal buque 6 su carganiento {LP0l“U0UsluT6¤d°Y· vessel or her cargo be liable to apresamiento, coniiscacion 6 de-< seizure, confiscation, or any de- manda alguna por causa de reden— mand on the score. of redemption cion 6 restitucion, sino que se deor restitution, but the owners jara a sus dueios en trauquila po— thereof shall remain in the` undis- sesion de su propiedad. Y si alturbed possession of their property. gun buque que hubiere eutrado en And if any vessel having thus en- el puerto antes de tener lugar el_ Vessels attempttered the port-before the blockade bloqueo, tomase carga Q. bordo,`“‘¤ *0 1““’° m09k" took place shall take on boardacar- despues de establecido el bloqueo, 25.;,5 P mt with go afterthe blockade be established é intentase salir, se le podra intiand attempt to depart, she may be mar por las fuerzas bloqueadoras warned by the blockading forces to que vuelva al puerto bloqueado y return to the blockaded port and dis- descargue su cargamento, y si descharge the said-cargo ; and if, after pues de recibir la dicha intimaciou, receiving such warning, the vessel insistiere el buque eu salir con el shall persist ingoing out with the cargamento, estara sujeto a las cargo, she shall beliable to the same mismas consecuencias a que lo esconsequences as in the caseof aves- taria una embarcacion que intensel attempting to enter a blockaded tase entrar en un puertdbloqueado port after having been warned off despues de ser intimada por las ` by the blockading forces. fuerzas bloqueadoras. · Anrrcrrx XXIV. , Ancvfouro XX1V. ‘ To prevent disorder and irregu- Para impedir todo género de des- Visiting . and larity in visiting and examining the érden é irregularidad en la visita $’]‘?“¥*§ °f "°”°l** 0** vessels and cargoes of both the con- y exameu de buques y cargamentos 'g °’°“‘°' tracting parties on the high seas, de las dos partes contratantes en they have agreed mutually that alta mar, han convenido mutuawheneveravessel of war, public or mente, que cuando un buque de ‘ private, shall meet with a neutral ’guerra,·publico6 particular, enconof the other party, the former shall trare a un neutral de la otra parte remain at the greatest distance contratante, el primero permanecompatible with the possibility and cera a la mayor distancia que sea satcty of making the visit, under compatible con la posibihdad y sethe circumstances of wind and sea, guridad de hacer la visita, amendiand the degree of suspicion attend- das las circunstancias del viento y_ ing the vessel to be visited, and de la mar, y el grado de sospecha shall send one of her small boats que inspire el bajel que ha de ser with no more men than may be visitado,·y enviara uno de sus botes necessary to execute the said ex- pequenos, sin mas jente que la neamination of the papers concerning cesaria para tripularlo, con el obthe ownership and cargo of the ves- jeto de ejecutar ei predicho examen sel, without causing the least ex- de los` papeles relatives a la protortion, violence, or ill-treatment, piedad y cargamento del buque,