Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/895

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INDEX. 865 Pogo. Page Arsenals, _ _ _ _ · Assi ments, oppropimetuon for, art Bemcio . 221, 222, 387 pfqglabama claims, for services mndered or Rm 1¤¥=¤¤d - ·-·- · ···- - 221. 387 to be rename, &¤.,v¤m .. . . 249 for repairs of smaller, &c . .. 222, 388 Assinuboirwa, deficiency appropriation for current ex- appropriation for special agent to .. . . 147, 421 _ penses of . . -. . .. 417 to promote their comfort, civilization, and right of way extended throggh the Alle- improvement, &,c .. . . . . 149 424 gheny, to Allegheny V ey Railroad Assistant Attorney-General for the Post-Ojfioo Ds- I Company. . -·_-~ T-._ . .. ..280, 281 partnwnt, examination of, esst of Mississippi River SB8 deficiency appropriation for salary of. . 144 report: by Secretary of War as to selling Aseistant Attomeys—General, ' ` some of S8·1¤0 -----· - ----- · ---··· 388 appropriation for mlm-ies gf, ,,,_, _ ___ ____ 108, 369 Artes, Anderson, _ _ Assistant Cashier, Ao&urof,,e;»'ll0wod by commissioners . 655 in omce of Treasurer of United States, salr an c , · ery .. . . . . . . . . .. 307 appropriation for, at Benicia arsenal.. 222, 387 Assistant Covnmissawes-Ge1oeo·aZ of Subsistence, A ur, Cowwlurdl., with rank, pay, dw., of 1lB\lb0Dt}lll}·00l0H01, Av$¤;;;'#}/tpclpsnou . ----- .. . . ...- 668 A mm tmE¤:¤b<>r cfyegeléggbed- ----- - ------- 944 r 1 m 8, _ _ . I 1I 'neer 0 c a ‘ appropriation forjumishing . .115, 337 in char of the elevator, gre., salary of 214 for transportation to obtsm . . . . 115, 337 Assistant £•g€neers, _ for commutation for . . . . ... 115, 337 in District of Columbia, deficiency approprior commutation for, not_to he furnished cer- ation for salaries of .. . .. 404 min persons entitled to mcmase of Assistant inspector of gas and meters, _ pension...-.. .,. ..-· . ..-·. ·... .. 78 appointment, qimliiicutious, and duties of.. 278 Artillery, _Assistant Impectors~Geow¢·at, (Army,) additional mgm of, orootol --·-- · -.·-.. .. 77 number of officers of the line who muy be ,omce, how lled and when to expire . 77 detailed to act as. .. . ... 244 Arwooci', L. P. _ _ to have allowances of cavalry oflioors .. 244 ololm of, allowed by commissioners ... . 649 Assistant Instructors of Tactics, · Ash, James W, _ _ oommandirzs companies at West Point, pay claim of, allowed by commissioners 591 and lowonces ot .. . . . . 467 Ashby, Mary, _ Asaiata/nt Mcdwal Purv:2£ors, claim of, allowed by commissioners- ... 596 number, rsnk, psy, c., of .,... . .. 244 Ashcroft, Thomas, to give some bonds as nssistantrpnymosters— claim oi, allowed by commissioners . 580 · general . . . .. . . . . 244 Ashtabula, Ohio, * when assignnble to duty as surgeons ... 244 appropriation for improving harbor at 238, 457 Assistant Postmaster of the House, Askins, ohn E deiiency appropriation for salary of . -.. 403 {payment to, lor salary .. . . ... . 601 Asszitant lisgister of the Trea,m·y, 3m Jssa ers · so aryo ..-,.. .. . . ... eng other onieers, in mints ond assay-oiilces, Assistant Secretaries of Logatiou, seo Diplomatic and · appropriations for pay of 97, 98, 355-357 Consular Oytcers Aung-03m, » provisions concerning leave of absence, corup roprintiousfor, at New York 97, 98,229,357 ~ respondence, ezo .. . . . ... 77 goin City, Idaho .. ..- . .98, 357 Assistant Secretaries of State, cpu10m, North 6am1in;;, .. .. .. 98 Secretary may prescribe duties for, &;c 90 defdoiency up ropria.tions~for 134, 135, 406, 407 axusdditional, to be appointed, to be known png tg be 6g(;3£]j5]wd 9,1; H618h4L, B1011h1I11S;. . 45 88 Third ABBISULDU . . ·.-. -· ·. -·-· 90 how to be conducted. . .`... .. 45 Assistant Secretaries of the Treasuni, construction of building, &.c. ... 45 appropriation forgncrease of so aries of.--. 205 limit oi cost, appropriation . .. ... 45 number and salaries of. . .. .. . . 390 at New York, transfer of gold mint—bars Assistant Surgeon-General, from bullion-fund 01 .. .. ,... 202 mnk, pgy, and omloluuients of .. . . . 72/I4 Assessor Duty1ct'`o Columbia, Assistant nwgeon in avy, to deliyf; `blank sobedules of personal prop- Holmes Wikoif may be appointed . 304 erty subject to taxation . 504 Assistant Surgeons, soinuy,) duty of, as to assessment of personal prep- ~ number of, estab nsned . ... .. . 1 244 · ertg .. . . . . ,. 504 rank, pany, &e.,for in·st_five ycars’serv1ce.244, 245. · asto assessment of capitol stock of corpo- after ve yours' service .. ... . ... 245 ration . - .: .. ... . . . .. . ... 504 original vacancies m grade of, how filled . - M5. number, appointment, term of office,— Assistant Zreaaursr at Saint Louis, . mu of ____ ____ _________ _,, ___,___, 504 to open and keep accounts with treasurer of howto assess values of zeal and personal Chorokce,_Oreok, Choctsw,an<1Ch1ckprggmy ____ ____ ; ____ ___ ______ _ ____ 504 usew Notions .. : . . . · MB “““m§°(l§“ · ·‘°" °"“““"““' .“‘°°'““'“’. "*° ‘‘‘‘ ‘ 232 "”§»‘3£§f ?,`§°f"f"?T‘i'L?{°.€'f‘i}{€‘K‘Ff’.?f‘f‘f’f: asn Assessors by internet lkmenuoAssistant 1t·sasw·ers of the United States _ deficiency appropriation {or salariesazid ex- appropriations for offices of . . . 04, 90. 353-355 pauses of - - . . ... r. . . 414 at New Orleans, appropm·tw¤ for MBU ¤f 134 Assignee n, . · to assert ond. return to tbe Treasury notes of when rironit or district court not to have ppionul banks fgilmgto return wml- 126 may ‘ — 1 ed at on as ro mrc . . . on énxgf .??€.. _ 470 Asof bmmtzlred orkfgxe into liquidation, &c . 125 Jong1w0c' Bauku .¤0 Bdnbr 80t'W"* 0 _ OVW3f “"$» ' pwwsng. tons5E1g  ;°?Zf°{’ .. mares sppwpristnon for .-·---··----- · --·— *-9% 35* Vol. 18, pt. 3-55