Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/149

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FORTYFOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 250, 251, 253. 1876. 123 CHAP. 250.-An act providing for the completion of the Wnshington Monument. Aug. 2, 1876. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameréea in Congress assembled, That there be, and is hereby up- Appropriation. proprinted, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise o.pproprinted, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars payable in four equal annual _ instalments to continue the construction of the Y/Vnshington Monument MW"‘“];;““1’°“ in the city ot‘Washi11gton: Pro·vtdcd,That before any portion of said mmm ` sum shnll be expended, the proper officers of the Washington Nntionnl Monument Society, incorporntml by the act approved February twenty- sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, entitled **An act to incorporate the Washington National Monument Society," shall trunsier and convey Property to be to the United States in due form all the property, easements, rights, and *"“’*f°”“‘* *° U- S- privileges, whether in possession, or in action, or in expectancy, belong- 1859, cn. 60, ing to the said corporation, to the uses and for the purposes set iorl in in U S”"”··386- » said not of incorporation; and the said charter is so amended ns to authorize the executive officers of said corporation to make said tnuinlbr and conveyancein consideration of the sum herein npproprinced: Provided That nothin g herein shall be so construed us to prohibit said society Society may conirom continuing its orgzmizntion for the purpose of soliciting und collect- **i¤¤° °*g¤“*Z”·U°¤· ing money und mziterial from the States, associations, and the people, in uid of the completion of the Monumentnnd acting in an advisory and cooperative cnpacity with the Commission hereinafter named until the com- , pietiou and dedication of the same. And the construction of said monu- Cfmgmissivv to ment shell be under the direction and supervision of the President of ”¥‘l’°”V*"°°°**$"*“°` the United States, the Supervising Architect of the Treasury Depart- Wm` ment, the Architect of the Capitol, the Chief of Engineers of the United States Arm y, and the First Vice President of the Washington National Monument Society, which oilieers are hereby constituted at joint eonnnission lor that purpose, and in accordance with the laws regulating contracts nnd the construction of public buildings by the Treasury Dopnrtment; and detailed reports of such expenditures shall be annually sub- Reports. mitted to Congress. . _ _ Sec. 2. '1`hnt prior to commencing any work on said monument an EX¤¤}*¤¤**°¤ °*` examination shall be made ns to the foundation of the monument in f°“"d“m°“' order tothoroughl y ascertain whether it is sufiieient to sustain the weight of the completed structure, and if the snme shall be found insufficient then the inrther continnnnce of the work shall not be authorized by any- thing hereiu contained until the further notion of Congress. Approved, August 2, 1876. CHAP. 251.-An act making an appropriation to defray the expenses of the Joint AUS- 2¤1876· select cornmitlee to investigate Chinese immigration. · ""_;'_— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat€·ves of the United A . _. . ._ [)`pI'0pX"I3il0D. States of Amerzea en Congress assembled, 'llmt the sum of seven thousand POS, 200 dollurs or so much thereof us muy be necessary be, and the smne is’ p' ' hereby, appropriated ont of any money in the Treasury not otherwise _ _ f appropriated, to defray theexpenses of the investigation into Chinese r3_ immigration, by the Joint select committee appointed lor that purpose, ,,0,, one imlf of said sum to be paid into the contingent fund of the Senate, and one lmlf into the contingent fund of the House of Representatives. Approved, August 2, 1876. CHAP. 253.-An act. to further nuthorizo the Commissioner of Indian Aihtirs to pur- A“g· 3v 1876- chase supplies for the Indian Bureau in open market. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of In- Apmoprietion. dinn Ailixirs be, and he is hereby, amtborized to purchase in open §";‘°“,;’gPQl;’:·_ market, without the usual advertisement, for immediate use of the cl, [JSE,} minpm Indian tribes, such supplies as me required to an extent not exceeding market.