Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/719

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INDEX. 693 _ _ Pago. Page. Comanche indians, _ _ Commissioner of Lzdian Afairs, appropmatxons for mstallmeuts, etc., to 178, 273 appropriations for salaries, etc., in office of. 163, 313 , for subsistence, etc., of .. . . . . 290 authorized to purchase in open market, with- Comanohe Indians at Fort Sill Eesermmlon, out advertisment, supplies for immeappropriation for subsistence, etc., of; pro- diate,to certain amounts 88, 123 viso .. . . . . . . . . . 195 may receive certain lands in payment of cer— commanding Ceneral’s Oplce, Army, tain judgments held in trust for North appropriation for expenses of .. 97 Caroliim Cherokee Indians; proviso. 139 Commerce and Navigation, annual report oi] to contain statement of jmprovgmgntg in aid Og mma by Unity] bids for supplies and awards of cou- States; tlie Secretary of War to re- *”`?·°i*S · --;-~ · --·-- - -·--· ---· ·--- 199 pm-t legislation nemssmy to Protect, to appoint Indian traders and make rules and concerning use, etc., of . . 139 for €¥°_V°mm°“t °t_ ---· ·- · - q- ·--·---- 200 penalty for unlawful inj ury, ___,________ 139 shall pdvert1se_ for supplies ; proviso .._.,.. 200 treaty concermug, with Belgium ____ _ _____ 69,3 00PM1I;) gildvggltisements authorized by, to be 361 Commercial Agents see also Consular Opicers - `T" ‘ ' =~1>x>r<>1>ri=¤¤i¤¤¤ ?<¤ ¤=41¤¤i<=¤ of ----~- - -—--- ’- 17r 233 may lsgigsigigggztiiiiiitgig »i?$lki°wiiii¤u • ’ 7 · I C“"’""""’¢ iu-“¥°“ Av _ may purchase supplies without advers.ppropr1ztt1011 for payment of clmm of. 486 using ______ _ ___,_ _ _____ _ _____ _ ____, 293 C0'”"M““"3I 1?€P“"*”'·€'4*i Arm!/p _ _ _ Commissioner of Internal Revenue, eppropr12,tions_ to supply deficiencies 111 ap- appropriations for salaries in office of .151, 303 PF°P¤3‘**°¤S fm'} PY0Vi¤0 ··-- ----45. 47, 365 when, may impose duties of storekeepcumd Y2 Commiasary Funds gcuger upon some officer . .> J. F. McGinniss,re1ieved from responsibility certain gpwers of supervisors conferred on. 152 for qq;-|;3,iu ____ ,_ ____ ____ ___________ 502 cases tiob e Eedorted tg the Pf:;)S1|jB;lt by. .. _ 152 U0mmuw,.y_Gc”,m.dy8 dmc specna. ou e were ouses or s orego o appropriations rtl meas, em., in 160, :210 gpve '=·¤4¤4v *0 M ¤¤·*·4* ¤>g··*·~*·~···¤ 393 0<¤·¤»·4¤·¢·*v ·>f Msfamvv- , may .1sL£»{»iili{.ZJA.t;{.; Zllill iii Lili; ill 394 i° Cadet Bimmhou *0 b° d°mu‘*d3 ““PPh‘*S> may make rules etc., under act concerning etc., to be purchased etc., by · to per- B brahhd 395 frm Miss of .v¤¤v$v¤* ·-—- V -—---- 444 eommtefitliio 1..e.·.i'..;i),L.°.;i Ati.]; 6L;.,};-L4," ` supplies to be furnished cadets at cost.. . 126 appropriation for, may be used, in pam go Commission to Appraise Cherokee Lands, _ pay preliminary expanse, ____ _ ____ _ 361 appropriation for expenses of .. . . . 120 00mm5W07m_ of Patents

gmT§xpBHS6s of- - _ l - · l - i l _ - - · 402 appropriations for salgries, etc., in office Of. 164, 341

may ow compensation to employes .. 402 Commissioner- of Pensions, _ _ _ how constituted; oath of ; organization; appropriations for_sol¤.ries, etc.,111 office of,1(>3,31.i vacancies in, how iilled; powers 228 shall. report additions to and reductions of l rules, records, and employes of 229 annual pension-rolls .. - .-----·-- 223 Commission to Investigate Red Cloud Agency, Commissioner of fnblic Buildings ond Grounds, appropriation for payment of expenses of. . 362 duties of, relative to_Capitol building trous- Commission on Organization of Army, ierred to Architect of Capitol 147

  • l?PY°PI`i°·*i°¤ fm °XP°¤¤°¤ °f· ---··---·---- 101 Commissioner to Publish New Edition of Revised

how constituted; duties; expenses -.. . 101 Statutes,

 f?'-` report by; extauded -1-- -•··-- ·-- - 409 gppginfgnmjgi; of; (lubigg; whgn to ggrqplgtg

Commzsswn on Railway Mail-Servwe, wgrk in mguuggript; compensation,- 268 appropriation for expenses of ; duties ex- 385 Oommmimwm ‘ te . ... . . . ... mcy be ggpgintedg report; expenses .. 79 *0** P°·‘gSg£°¤¤¤Y1V¤¤l¤ ”·V°¤“°i °4`°'m°“ i 92 Cmmi88i°?°r.°f Agriwuu’:°’ . not providing: -fol·; enien-ded. . 207, 223 appropriationsforseleries, etc.,1n office of. 166, 317 to be an Oiumd for apprdisdmdnb of lands

  • 4* ¤¤4¤44¤¤ ¤>v<>¤4¤ of ·------—-- -. ------ 140-344 Orpcm me Mmmm. end Soc and

¤4¤1*i¤¤¤ WGS of ¤=>v·¤*¤ <·*· for vm Fox of its Mm..e1...msm Kansas 1874 and 1875, to be printed ...,. 140 and Nebraska; compensation _______ 208 Commissioner of Customs - · . I ·

¤¤¤¥¤r¤¤¤¤¤¤ for ¤¤¥?¤*¤¤ i¤ <>¤·=¤ <·f ~-—-- 15<>» 304 °°t7{,’§££?,€Zi.$i?0‘K}f,‘J‘{»'Z,‘§".1S‘.,l$Z Zi"§‘2;my of cost °

C°mmm"°iwr.°f E4·4<=4*4<>¤i . ,. ,. Baldwin, deceased, late one of the.. . 363 uppropnatxons for alaries, etc., in office of.16o, 31o Court of cOmimmd_ ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ L 96 C°m"”';8'"°"" °f Fish 'md F"°h°iie°¢ when to report jnd ments to Secretary of appropriations for continuing work, etc., r Smile; how mid _____ _ _____________ 3 C . Pf ·‘·‘ ‘ ·'‘'‘'‘‘‘ "‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘‘ "" 117¤3"4 to receive, etc., claims presented within omnnsswner of General Land·0_0ice, thm, mouths ____ _ _______ _ _____ _ _ 6 · °PPm¥;::’g‘;:“ f" °“'l°“i°°* °°°‘· in °m°° #{63 313 sale of bonds authorized to puy judg- 32 shall Iiresgribe regulations for sale of saline 221 pwczgggigg gégéuding duration of _ ____ 65] an e . . . . . . _ _ may confirm and potent certain homestead, Commissioners of Oirouzt Courts, etc., entries within limits of town- power oi', issue search-warrants for counsites on public lands. . , .. 392 terfeits, etc., of trade-marks, end or— may require town authorities to elect what der destruction oi same ---_. . 142 part of site shall be withheld from uotaries public of States, etc., onthomzed to homestead, etc., entry, where site is take depositions, etc., with smne ef— in excess of maximum . . . 392 feet us .. . .. 206