Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/771

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746 CONVENTION—UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. JUNE 1, 1878. Anrrcnn 21. Anrxoms 21. Colonial coun- Sont considerés comme formant, The following are considered as

  • ¤**°· pour Papplication des articles forming, for the apphcation of Ar-

16, 19 ct 20 precedents, un seul ticles 16, 19, and 20'])I`€C6(l11lg',- a pays ou une seule administration, single country, or a single Admmsuivant lo cas: istration, as the case may be: 1** L’empire de l’Inde britan- 1st. The Empire of British India; DJ ue · (2** lie dominion du Canada; 2d. The Dominion of Canada; 3** Ifensemble des colonies dan- 3d. The whole of the Danish Coloises; onies ; 4** Uensemble des colonies espa- 4th. The whole of the Spanish ‘ gnoles; Colonies ; 5** Uensemble des colonies fran- 5th. The whole of the French Colcaises; onies; 6** Uensemble des colonies ne- 6th. The whole of the Netherland erlandaises; Colonies ; 7** Uensemble des colonies por- 7th. The whole of the Portuguese tugazises. Colonies. Anrrcrn 22. Anrrorn 22. Commencement La presente Convention sera The present Convention shall be Wd *‘***`°·t*****· mise a execution le 1*** avril 1879, put into execution on the 1st of et demeurera en vigueur pendant April, 1879, and shall remain in un temps indetermine; mais chaque force during an indeiinite period; partie contractante ale droit de se but each contracting party has the withdrawals_ retirer de l’Union, moyennant un right to withdraw iroin the Union avertissement donné une annee a by means of a notice given, one Pavance par son Gouvernement au year in advance, by its Government Gouvernement de la Confederation to the Government of the Swiss Consuisse. federation. Aarromn 23. Anrrcrm 23. _Prior oonven- Sont abrogees, a partir du jour After the date on which the pres-

    • 0**** *****08%***1- de la mise a execution de la pre- ent Convention takes effect, all the

sente Convention, toutes les dis- stipulations of the treaties, convenpositions des traités, conventions, tions, arrangements, or other acts arrangements ou autres actes previously concluded between the conclus anterieurement entre les various countries or administradivers pays ou administrations, tions, in so far as those stipulations pour autant que ces dispositions ne are not in accordance with the terms seraient pas conciliables avec les of the present Convcntion,arc abrotermes de la presente Convention, gated, without prejudice to the et sans prejudice des droits reserves rights reserved by Article 15 above. par Particle 15 ci·dessus. Ratification- La presente Convention sera The present Convention shall be ratiiiee aussitct que faire se pourra. ratified as soon as possible. The Les actes de ratification seront acts of ratification shall be exechanges a Paris. changed at Paris. Signatures. _ liln foi de quoi, les plenipoten- In faith of which, the plenipotentiaires des pays ci-dessus enumerés tiaries of the countries above enuont signé la presente Convention a merated have signed the present