Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/894

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INDEX. Pa . i Hirgdégwrn. 5:9 1 Hughes, mznam 1-., P“g°‘ l S‘ °· ····· · ····· · ··--· ··-· ·--- - ----- No ..., Howard, Jane, I g5;iYyuj(£,;,,,,' 630 1>=~>‘¤¤•>¤t to -----------·-...-. 552 = payment to ..,..,, _ __,_____________ 629 Howard, John J., administrator, Huie, David, N Pafmem to -··· - - - - ---·-- - - --·--- - - -.-... 522 payment to .. . ..,,, , _____ _ _ _______ 5,55 Hmrtrrd. Groryc 11, Huhill, James s.,` ` P°>`m°¤'* W -·---- - --·-- - ---·------- - ----- 237 payment to .. ..., .._,__ 553 H<>•~¤1·-lfefilda E, Mmm!. Hullitt, John nz, 1>=1F¤1€¤i_¥0 ---· ·· ------ -- -··--· ·.-... 551 payment to .. 561 ` Howard. ·1{¤,·1¤¢·1, 2 Humboldt mm, 0.11., P¥1)`¤1€‘D _ 0 -- ---- ------·--· - .-... 55* examination and survc of. . . . 162 HUWGM. Milf! R-, Hamas, Anthony, y payment tc use of ...- . . . . 657 payment to .. . . . .,... ..-. ,._. 561 Hom'", J¤¤¢’—9, H umes, Susan, payment to ... -.. . . . . 659 pension to .. . . . . . ... . . 616 Howell. Jesse, deceased, Huming, L. and H., payment to estate of ... . ...,,,,,,,, _, , 561 payment to ..,,,_ , ,,_,,...,..,____, _ ,,,,. 231 Howell. John B., sr., Huncmirrg Birds, P¤>‘1¤°11Y to ···--- · · - - ···-~- · -- - -------... 553 not to be killed, etc., in District of Colum· Howell, William A., adninioimtw, bio, ,_,_ . ,,,., .,,, , ,,._ . , ..,.,... 134 parmzcnt to .. . . .- .. .. . 561 Humphries, Almsm V., Hoacerton, Richard, payment to .. .- -. . .. . 564 payment to · .. . .. . . . . 506 Humphries Cha 1 L. d ‘ ‘ z ¢ Howland, Shephard, payment to . ll . T?.?';,. .. .- 564 Hpayjinent :05 . . . . 639 Humphries, Eunice, oy ugus a . payment to . . . ... .. .. 564 péiylnent to use of ... 651 Hunqmlzries, Hugh P., Boyer, Paul, payment to .. . ... . .. . . . . . 564 DBYIDGDY to . . . . .--. . . -... 564 Humphries, Jeannette C., Hoyle, Lightfoot W., payment to . ,,,,, , _,,,, _,,_ ____ _ _________ 564 payment to . . . . .-- . -- 559 Humphries, Jesse H., dweased, Hubbard, Nancy, payment to estate of .. . . . . 564 Hp'?-ment to .-.. .. . . , ,.,,,,.,. 656 H umphriea, Logan S., u , John, jr., administrator, payment to --.- ., .- ...,. . 564 payment to .. . . . . - ... 639 Humucker A. G. Huber, John, deceased,f payment to ,,3, . ,,,,_ , _______ , ,___, _ __,_, 559 payment to estatco .. 639 H·~'¤·¤’>v» K··¢¢'¤··d F, Hgggmé to . . .- .. . . 554 652 charge of desertion removed .. . . -. 618 Hum John M_ ’ H“d”"”· Bl“""°"» payment to . . . .. .- .. 522 payment to ·----- ---- - ----- -.-.-- 662 Hm, John nz H#·d~<m CW”t?/s N J: pavment to . .. .-.. . . 519 Hport of New York to include part of ·- - 324 Html, John TK, deceased, Maw Rim m t t t. . ... 519 Halppropiiations for improvement of ... 159, 363 Hh),?%,[:ymq(;é1§_? 6 0 " WW 07**68, payment to - .. . .. 519 P”5'¤;€¤t_tQ ·---·· -- -· ·------··- - ----·-··- 506 Hunt, Thomas B., Bud-WM WFIIWTM restored to A1my; proviso .-.. 470 payment to -- .-.- .-.- ---- 516 Hunter, Amt, HUF, Wlllldm, dO%Id, payment to __________ __ ______ ____________ 506 payment to estate of .. . . . 629 Hunter, Edward, H°;g g;°;rg°¤ 659 payment of judgment to .. . . .. 411 HMM P¤~·»····¢ -4-» 6,9 ”',§’L$`I;.JK’Z§’T Z'fT'.?‘TT'?‘T'T?’ .. .- 123 HP°Ymg**v$ -·-- · - · - · -·—-· · · - ··-- - ··--·-·- ·’ Hmm, J. 12., and Son,

g-;'2nm; U; 633 payment to .. . . .. 122

Htqman, Andrew, aamnmmwr, __ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _____ _ _____ __ ,-,52 payment to . . . . . 522 Hurley, James W, H;-Zl;l:Qu€?:gc W1 629 payment to ,_,,,. ,,,, .. .-.. . . 237 Hufman, John," · _ Hum, . . f t f . . ,,,,,).,,,,,1,,, to _ _____ _ _____ __ ___________ 564 appropr1ation_ or paymen korf services m 225 H,,.0~,,,a,, Na,,,,,,,, connection with wreo o . . . pavméutto ___________________ ____ ___ ____ 639 for burial of and others 10st by

 _ _ 6,,, ft".§t‘i‘.§¥§.;’£,;1~z,;;:::1::;::;:::::::::: iéé

Hyg; Peter de;,;,;;,," ' "" ° " "``° accounts of officers, etc., of . :- 498 paslment H0 widové of U _ I _" _ _ I _ _" U _ __ _ (554 payment tokwiélows, ctc., of p€1'SODS [OSB 111 497 Hughes, Ann T., . wmc 9 I ` "· '' ’ '`` `° ` rehef of survwors ot wreck of . 497 paymaut t° '‘‘' ‘ ’‘‘ "" " ‘' " " " "' 639 ‘ ns to widows etc lost in aiding crew Hughes, Emily, pcnsm f ’ " 533 Hpclmsiou to . . . . . . ...-- 575 H 8h_ ‘ ’'’ '’'‘'°°'''''''` J pm uron w 1;,%,)-K{e,£t UQ ____ _ _________ __ _ ____ _ __ _____ 545 applzoprinltion for improvement of harbor of 157 Hu r, 8 W7]' Huron Pottawatomae lndaana, g c , 4 mm, _ _ _ payment to . - . ... 645 appropriations for annuity to . .. . . 77, 306