Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/22

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XXH LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AN D RESOLUTIONS. 881 60E Jacob H. E lar. An act rantin a ension to Jacob H. Eppler. February 21, 1 .. _ Ann M. Pegdding. An aciggrantidg gpcnsion nun M. Paulding. February 21, 1881.. .. . 608 William lt. Wilmer. An act for the relief of W1ll_ia1n R. Wilmer. Fehruary .63, 1881 . _ -.-. 609 Emma Meomm, and minor children. An act granting pensions to the widow and minor children of Michael Mcemm. deeessvd. February 23, 18 I ... -.. . . 609 Henry L. 1\'or·vell. An act for the relief of the sureties of Henry L. N orvell. February 23, 1881. -. 609 Mrs. Lelia 19. McCauley;. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Lelia E. McCauley. February 23, 1881. 609 Joseph Upton and G-. W. Curtis. An act to admit free of duty two watches presented to Joseph Up- . ton and G. W. Curtis for rescuing the crew and passengers of the steamship American. February2G, 1881 .. . . . . .. .. . ... . . 610 .H·ulda L. Barnard. An act granting a pension to Hulda L. Barnard. February 86, 1881 .. 610 Robert S. Goodall. An act granting a pension to Robert S. Goodall. February 2b, 1881 ... 610 Albert N. Jack. An act granting a pension to Albert N. J ack. February 26, 1881 -. -, .. -- 610 W·iLLia,m Ilownum. An act granting a pension to William Bowman. February 26, 1881 .. - 611 Samuel B. Hutchison. An act granting relief to Samuel B. Hutchison. February 26, 1881 . 611 Rosalie Louis. An act granting a pension to Rosalie Louis. February 26, 1881 . ,,., . . ., . , 61] ` M. F. Clark. An act for the relief of M. F. Clark. March 1, 1881 .. .. ... 611 Henry F. Lines. An act for the relief of Henry F. Lines. March 1, 1881 . . ... ..-. 61] Isabel L. Evans. An act auting an increase of pension to Isabel L. Evans. March 1, 1881 .. 612 W. A. Reid. A11 act for the relief of W. A. Reid. March 1, 1881 . . .. -. .. .-,_ 612 Edward B. Clark, heirs of An set for the relief of the heirs of Edward B. Clark. March 1, 1881-- 612 William Hamill. An act granting an increase of pension to William Hamill. March 1, 1881 .. 612 J. M. Micou, deceased. An act for the relief of the estate of J. M. Micou, deceased. March 1, 1881- 612 Cornelius Boyle heirs of. An act for the relief of the heirs of Cornelius Bovle. March 1, 1881_ 613 Claims allowed by accounting officers of Treasury. An act for the allowance of certain claims reported by the accounting officers of the United States Treasury Department. March 1, 1881. -- 613 Philemon B. Hawkins. An act ior the relief of Philemon B. Hawkins. March 2, 1881 .. ... -. -. 636 Absalom Kirby. An act for the relief of Passed Assistant Engineer Absalom Kirby, of the Navy. March2, 1881 . . .. .. . ... . . .. .. 636 James E. Montnfl. An act for the relief of James E. Montel}. March 2, 1881 . . . . . 637 ·Ios¢y1h. Clymer. An act for the relief of Joseph Clymer, of Texas. March 2, 1881. . . . . -.-- 637 William 1I. Thompson. An act for the relief of William 1-l. Thompson. March 2, 1881 . -- 637 William Burgess and others. An act for the relief of William S. Burgess and others. March 2, 63 1 1 .. ... . . . . . .. . . . . 7 Louis I'. Di Ceanoia, late consul, etc. An act for the relief of Louis P. Di Cesnola., late consul at Cyprus. March 2, 1881 .. . . . . .-- . -.. ..,. -. .. 638 Charles Clinton. An act for the relief of Charles Clinton, of New Orleans, late assistant treasurer at New Orleans. March 2, 1881 .. . . ... . ... . . . . 638 John I1. W. Riley. An actfor the relief of John H. W. Riley, of California. March 2, 1881 .. 638 George W. Brower. An act for the relief of Georie W. Brower. March 2, 1881 . ..-. .. 639 J. Scott Payne. An act for the relief of J. Scott a e. Ma;-oh 2, 1881 . .. 639 Henry B. Eastman. An act for the relief of Henry Eastman. March 2, 1881 .. . . .. 639 Mrs. Martha Bridges. An act for the relief of Mrs. Martha Bridges, at Bartow County, Georgia. March 2, 1881 . . . . . .. . .. . .,,..,.,, 630 Saint M·ichael’s chimes, Charleston, S. O. An act to admit free of duty one of the bells of Saint Michael’s chimes, Charleston, South Carolina, which has been sent to England to be recast. March2, 1881 . . .. .. . .,.., .. ..,,,,,,__ _,__ ,,__ ____ ____ 640 Samuel Harper. An out for the relief of Samuel Ha er. March 2, 1881 ..., ...,.,.__,_,, ,___ 640 Dodd, Brown and Conqoanéy. An act for the relief 0!fpDodd, Brown and Company, of Saint Louis, Missouri. March , 1881 . . . . .. .; ... . ..,,____,___.____,_ _ ____ _ ____ 640 Nu Perceawar volunteers in._ An act for the relief of citizens of Montana, who served with the United étates -m the war with the Nez Peroés, and for the relief of the hei.1.•s of such as were killed m such service. March 3, 1881 ..,. .,,, _____ __ ____ _ _____ 641 Jacob Gelwicka. An act granting a pension to Jacob Gelwicks. March 3, 1881 ,_,,__ _ _____ _ _______ 641 Wyatt Betts. An wt granting a pension to Wyatt Betts. ·March cs, 1881 ...,,,___ , ,, _ 641 James B. Furman. An not for the relief of James B. Furman. March 3, 1881 641 Maw Ann MoCar·roll. An act granting a ension to Mary Ann MoCarro1l. March 3, 1881 . ... . 642 Calvin Bronson. An act for the relief of (galvin Bronson, Much 3, 1331 ________________________ _ 642 bteamers Champion, numbers thxree and jive, crews of. An act for the relief of several persons impressed into the United States Naval service. March 3, 1881 ,_,_ _ _ ______ ___ _ __ _ __ ______ 64;} Henry Mills. AD wt 51-Leuting a pension to Henry Mills. March 3, 1881 ,,__ _ ______ __ ________ ___ _ 644 Edward H. Mitchell. act granting a pension to Edward H, Mitohe]1, March 3, 133], ___________ 545; Jamcc P. Hunterw A11 awt granting a pension to James P. Hunter. Mg.;-ch 3, 1881 __ ______ ____ ____ 543 Jenn T. Neale. An act for the relief of John T. Neale, March 3, 1331 ____ _ ________ __ _ ____ __; _ 54,; Lewis A. Kent. An act for the relief of Lewis A. Kent. March 3, 1881 .. 64:: Homer Eellowc. An act for the relief of Homer Fellows. March 3, 1881 .. . . - . . ... 64.; Claims allowed by Commissioners of Claims. An act making appropriations for the payment of claims reported allowed by the Commissioners of Claims under the act of Con ss of March third, ` eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and acts amendatory thereof. Margli°3, 1881 .. 6421 court of Claims by Major-General George H Thomas, awards of A11 act directing the pay- ment of certain awards in favor of parties therein named. March 3 1881 .. 647 Dand W, Bell, An 3,61; for the Islisf of David W, Bell, March 3, 1881 ___,_ ____ ____ ____ ______ 645 flhmnas Small. A11 act for the of Thomas Snell, March 3, 1881 _,,_______, ___ _ __ _,____ __ 548 James H. Reeve. An act granting an merease of pension to James H. Reeve. March 3, 1881 . . 649