Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/152

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FOBTY-SEVENTH concnnss. snes. 1. cn. 255. 1882. 125 offices reception-room for visitors, one hundred dollars; stationery for use of instructor and assistants, one hundred and twenty-five dollars; books and maps, fifty dollars; fixtures and repairing gymnasium, two hundred dollars; foils, masks, fencing-gloves, jackets, and repairing wooden muskets, three hundred dollars; in all, one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars. For department of law : For text-books and stationery and books of Department or reference for the use of instructors, two hundred and fifty dollars: h"- Provided, That the Secretary of War may, in his discretion, assign any Promo. officer of the Army as professor of law. For department of practical military engineering: For pontooning Department o f and materials for mining and profiling, telegraphing and signaling ma- !¤m*¤'! °¤£i¤°*¤‘* tcrials, stationery and text-books, books of reference and repairs of in- mg' struments, one hundrexl and fifty dollars. - For construction of pontoon train three thousand five hundred dollars. Y°¤°°°¤ imn- For depmtment of ordnance and gunnery: For additions to models Department of and drawings illustrating course of instruction, and for keeping in re- ¤1’d¤¤¤¢=¤¤¤d z¤¤- pair instrument and firing-houses, for books of reference and stationery "°"Y· for instructors, two hundred and fifty dollars. For altering a building in laboratory-yard, four hundred dollars. _ Alf;:¤;¤;gl>uHd;r£ . inla ryy For department of drawing : For new desks and stools, repairs on D¢P¤¤‘¤¤¤¤*= of desks, tables and drawing material, exchange of drawings with foreign d"""“¥· military schools, foreign text-books and manuals, text-books of and models for topographical surveying and topographical, mechanical, and free-hand drawing, rules, and triangles, drawinganaterials, card-boards, tacks, scissors, knives, brushes, roller-shades for skylights, and photogrgphic slides for lanterns, four hundred and fifty-five ollars. or department of natural and experimental philosophy: For addi- llepartment of tions to apparatus to illustrate the laws of accousticsi’<(:ptics, and me- Ph'k"°PhY· chanics, one thousand dollars; books of reference, text- ks, materials, and repairs, four hundred dollars; for pay of mechanic assistant, one thousand dollars; in all, two thousand four hundred dollars. Fgrhasfargomiml instruments to equip the new obwrvatory, ten thou- ¤•| i¤· san 0 “ For expenses of the Board of Visitors, including mileage, three thou- 3;::11;; tzgf sand dollars. · For miscellaneous and contingent expenses: For gas-coal, oil, can- Mi¤<=<1U¤¤¤¤¤¤ dles, lanterns, matches, and wicking for lighting the academy, chapel, md °°’“’“‘U°“* °" library, cadet-barracks, messhall, shops, hospital, offices, stable and - riding·hall, and sidewalks and wharves, three thousand five hundred dollars; water-pipes, plumbing and repairs, one thousand five hundred dollars; cleaning public buildings (not quarters), five hundred dollars; brooms, brushes, pails, tubs, soap, and cloths, two hundred dollars; chalk, crayon, sponge, slate, and rubbers for recitation-rooms, three hundred dollars; compensation of cbapelorgauist, two hundred dollars; compensation of librarian, one hundred and twenty dollars; pay of eugineerof heating and ventilating apparatus for the academic building, the cadet-barracks, and oillm building chapel, and philosophical building, including the library, one thousand two hundred dollars; pay of assistant of same, one thousand dollars; pay of live firemen, two thousand two hundred dollars; in all, ten thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. " For pay of librarian’s assistant, one thousand dollars. délssistant libre- For increase and expense of library, namely: For periodicals, bind- Librsry- ing, new books, and scientific, historical, biographical, and general lit~ erature, two thousand dollars. - _ For furniture for cadet-hospital, and repmrsof the same,ouehun.dred imma ee- Fcr purchase of bedding ami necessary articles for-the use of.m¤lci· B¤¤<`¤¤s»·:_·»$ ibtuprevlonstothsir admission into the sondemynlve hundred dol- d-,,_“‘°m‘“' ars. s .