Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/359

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332 »¤=· ~·~ ~ —· ·FORTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 433. 1382. compensation of all necessary employees, one hundred and ilfteen thousand dollznrs. _ _ For expenses of the office of the United States Fish Comm1ss1011: For rent of rooms,Tmd other necessary office expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the maintenance of mrp-ponds: For the maintenance of tlne United States mroponds in Washington and elsewhere, one the distribution of the young fish, including salaries, or compensation of all nceessary employees, thirty thousand dollars. For the mniuteumwe of vessels: For the maintenance of the vessels of the United States Fish Commission, including salaries or compensation of all necessary employees, which shall be 1mmed1ately available, twenty-five thousmul dollars. For the inquiry of food-fishes: For collecting statwucs of the seacoast und lake iisheries of the United States, especially those covered by the Washington treaty of eighteen hundred and seventy one, m- cludiug salaries and compensation of all necessary employees, three · thousand ive hundred dollars. For illustrations for the report ou food-fishes: For prepm·a.t1ou of illustrations for the report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, one thousand dollars. For steam-vessel for research in regard to food-fishes : For supplying the steam-vessel authorized by act of March third, eighteen hundred . and eighty-one, with boats, anchors, chains., furniture, and the apparatus necessary for eangying on the research in regard to the ilsheries 0E the coasts of the United States, forty-five thousand dollars. For iish transportation: For the construction of a car for the distribution of carp Und other useful food-iisbes be distant portions of the United States, eight thousand dollars. Cvntirgnine ¤¢h— For North American ethnology, Smithsonian Institution: For the ”°’°$'°:’ ’°‘ purpose of continuing ethuologieal researches among the North Ameri- °°"°h°°’ ° can Indians, under the direction of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, including salaries and compensation of all necessary em· , ployees, thirty-five thousand dollars. ' 1¤¤¤r¤¤fi¤¤¤I<¤— For international exchanges, Smithsonian Institution: Foi· expenses ‘3;z§“S“b;“g$ of the international exchanges between the United States and foreign {,,,,;:3 mlmm countries, in accordance with the Paris wnvention of eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, including salaries and compensation of all necessary employees, five thousand dollars. _ NATIONAL IUSEUK. · Nasieun ml. For furniture and tlxtures of the National Museum: For cases, fur- ¤¤¤¤¤- uiture, and ixtures required for the exhibition of the collections of geology, miuemlogy, natural history, ethnology, and the imlustzrial arts belonging to the United States, and for salaries or compensation of all necessary employees, sixty thousand dollars. For heating and lighting the National Museum: For expense of heating, lighting, and telephouic and electrical service for the new museum building, six thousand dollars. For the preservation of collections of the National Museum: For the preservation and exhibition of the collections received from the survey- ing and exploring expeditions of the government, and other souroes, · melmling salaries or compensation of all necessary employees, seventy- five thousand dollars. Connexion; in For the preservmiou of collections of the National Museum in the Mmvry B¤¤1d¤¤z· Armory Building: For cme of the Armory Building and expeuseof watching, preservation, and storage of the duplicate collections of the gm·:·rpm5i¤2an¢l of pioyoerty of the United States Fish Commission . . . con mue t crein, inc ming sa aries or compensation ot all necessa ,pE?$::tQ`f,° cx eonployees, two tl1ous:md five lmodred dollars. Aml the distributiog leges, ece. ot duplicate specimens of the Namonul Museum and Fish Commission