Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1157

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1 1 30 INDEX. Pag8_ E Page. Oalhs, 1 Olcolt, F. P. and H. L., _ _ to be taken by voter in Utah . ... 639 i payment ofjndgment<>fC<>¤rt ¤f¤1¤¤¤¤¤ te- 249

1dmiuisLere<l by registration`oH:icers .. 640 1 Olcott, N. Y., _

to be filed in probate court.- . . .. - 640 ‘ appropriation fol‘ 1H1P1‘0V•5¥¤€¤t of harbor- 3]-2 to be taken by officers ._,... , 640 · Old UOZ0ny St€tlmb0¢`lt Company, _ iudorsed ou commission, etc . . 640 · deiiciency ¤·ppI‘0pl'i¤·ti0¤ for U`d·¤¤P0fmt10¤» _ for jurors ,_,, , ,,.,, . ,.. , , ,,,,,,.. 640 Navy .. . .-·. . --------- -· -- 26i Obeila Ilirer, Tenn., { Old Topsuil Inlet, N. C., _ appropriation for survey of ,,,, ..,. ... 334 · Iife—sa.ving station SSDI1mi8h8d #113 ------ ·--- 84 O`Brien, Bridget (widow), Oldham, George W., __ pension . . . .. . .. -. 702 payment to administrator of ..., . . 9oO O’Brien, Sarah (u·id0u·), Oldham, Richard, pension ._..., -. . . 911 payment to . . . ... 950 Obserralory. Nara! (see N avail Observatory). 0’Leary, Daniel, Oomulgee 1mm-, Ga., payment to administrator of . . 950 appropriation for improvement of .. .. 320 Oleo, and Compounds ojl Oconee River, Ga., to be known as oleomargarine. . . . 209 appropriation for improvement of ---. 320 Oleomargarine, O’ConnelI. ('ornelius, appropriation for executing, act . . 234 payment to .. . . . . .. .. .. .. 299 definition of .- . . . . .. . 209 0’Co»mer, Lawrence (jather), substances, mixtures, compounds, etc., to pension - . 972 be known as . ... . .. 209 O’Com10r·. John D., peoial taxes on manufacturers. .. 209 payment to . . 288 definition of .. .. .. .. . 209 _ Oconto; Wis., wholesale dealers . . .. . . 209 appropriation for improvement of harbor- 316 definition of ,. . ... . .. 209 Oden, Lou J. ( formerly Chrisman), retail dealers ,... . . 209 payment to . . . . ..-- ..-. . .-... 665 definition of .. . .. 209 Odessa, provisions of sections 3232-3241, and 3243, appropriation for consul at . . 112,483 Revised Statutes, made applicable.- 209 0’Doheriy. George, tax for fraction of a year, manufacturers 209 Ojpayment to ---- · --·--·--· · ---·--.-- - ----- 288 penal? for manufacturing without paying O9 cc, ax. ..,,, _ ,____ , __,__ _ _____________ 2 repeal of law respecting tenure of civil-- . 500 carrying on business of wholesale dealer. 209 0(Fccru, Army, · of retail dealer .,...,. -.-- ,,,, 210 appropriation for pay of line -... --93,394 I manufacturers to iile with collector of infor general stain. ..-.--.. 93, 395 i ternal revenue, notices, etc . 210 fOr Stuff ·----- ·-·- ·--·-- ·-·· ·--- - --·---· 94, 395 mhnufacturers to render returns, etc . 210 for retired ---- - -·-·-----------·- - ------ 94. 396 to conduct business under surveillance for 00}¤!¤¤t¤1d0¤ of ¤1¤|¥t¤1‘¤ --$· ·--· -· -95,396 of internal revenue omcers -... 210 for mileage .---..-.·-.-. ... 95,396 to give bond -..; .. . -... 210 Ojiccrs, 2\m·y, tobe packed by manufacturer in iirkins, appropriation for . -.. ,... . .. 149, 581 tubs, glo, _______________ _ _________ 210 Officeraa Volunteer, not less than ten pound packages . . 210 certain, to receive pay, etc., from date of to be sold in original stamped packages,- . 210 commission as if actually mustered retail dealers to sell from stamped packat that time; provisog ___,_, __ _ ,_,_ 317 age; _____ ____ ____ _ _____,__, ;__ __ __ 210 Opicial Postal Guide, _ to pack in prescribed packages.. . 210 appreprwticn for publication of - 630 penalty for violation . -.. .. 210 Ojicial Records, War of the Rebellion, label of manufacturer to be aHixed· form. 210 appropriation for continuing publication.249, 535 penalty for failure . . . . . . , ... 210 Ojicial Register, tax on manufacture . . . ... 210 appropriation fer prepnring --·--- ·--- 626 th be represented by coupon eternve ---- 210 distrilmmm to libraries, not depositorxesn 649 provisions of law governing tobacco Opieial Rvporjrrs, stamp made applicable . ... 211 ¤PP¤'0D¤`¤¤U0¤ f°i‘ P¤Y¤$ H0¤¤0 -··•-· -~--176.599 tax to be assessed on, sold without stamps 211 Senate · ..-.. - -..-·------·-------- - --.· 174. 597 in addition to penalties .. . ---·- . .. . 211 Ogburn, T homaa, imported, to pay internal revenue tax of 15 1¤y···e¤¢ tq ---- - --·-·-~----- · ----·-·--·-- 764 cena ver pennd in ndditivn te i¤n· Ogdenaburg, rl:. YZ, _ port duty .. .--. .. . 211 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 312 to be stamped while in custom-house.- - . 211 Ohio Bmw? _ _ _ _ to be put up in like packages to domestic. 211 gpproigggizzg for construction of me PIGTS; 327 may be pamped in bonded warehouse .. 211

···-- ·-- --·· -· ···-·· ---- one '

f.,, i.,.,.,.,m,..1..¤ nf; dist!‘ibution .. M " by s£'¤.§’J.I'f‘3{‘fY‘f’R F I°.““‘.°"‘“ °‘”°°" Zi} fails of, Louisville, Ky . ..,. . .,. . . 324 I penalty for purchasing if not -stain-n _ e--- 211 for ice harbor, Foumnile bar, Cincinnati. 328 Q of manufacturer not having paifsdeeial $0; hghtingf, .,... ig: Th. ..i.a.-...208, 516 tax, . .,..,,...,,..,.. . ,___ , , P 211 or survey o , near Jvansvi e, n . 331 ¤ stam ou o `°``` " ,.,.m1.,¤,,,. of bridge mM_ between . pefiny }Z.T‘}§il.}‘.‘L°}‘£il*.ZJ.‘L}’?.‘}°?"°’°“ Ei} (joe-mgton, Ky., and Cincinnati,for reuse of stamped paokagei.-U -·- 211 Ohio, authorized . . . 69 , chemist and a microscopist to be ap Ohio Valley Railway Company, ‘ salaries. . . P , 212 authorized to bridge the Tennessee and I additional cbemistsanci to Cnmbcr1and_Rivers, Kentucky - 165 ; be emploved. . ... P 212 authlonzed to budge Tradewater River, _ g Commissioneroi'Internal neééhllféd entneky -·.- -. ····---· - ----·----· 40· r what nbmnces taxable .--·----·.· 212