Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1107

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1054 FIFTY·FIRST CONGRESS. SESS, Il. Ch. 545. 1891. SALARIES SEGRETARIES or LEGATIONS. ummm or nga- Secretaries of the legations in Berlin, China, Japan, London, Paris, “°““· and Saint Petersburg, at two thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars each, fifteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Secondsccretnrics. Second secretaries of the legations at Berlin, Lon on, and Paris, at two thousand dollars each, six thousand dollars mcmm uuinpm Second secretaries of the le ations in China and Japan, who shall °,j’,,";,,,';",,‘°“‘“ °‘ “‘° be American students of the language of the court and country to ' which they are appointed, respective y, and shall be allowed an required, under the direction 0 the Secretary of State, to devote their time to the acquisition of such language, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, three thousand six hundred dollars. _sw·¤m·1¤¤ or ug.- Secretary of legation and consul-general at Bogota, two thousand g·;;_·¤¤ www- dollars. Secretary of legation in Central American States and consul-general to Guatemala, two thousand dollars. Secretaries of the legations in Austria, Brazil, Italy, Mexico, Spain, and Turkey, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, ten thousand eight hundred dollars. Secretaries of the legations in Chili, Peru, Argentine Republic, and Xgenezuela, at one thousand five hundred dollars each, six thousand ollars. Secretary of legation at Corea, one thousand ive hundred dollars. ‘ SALABIES INTERPBBTEBS AND GLERKS T0 LEGATIONS. mann;. Interpreter to the legation in Turkey, three thousand dollars; intergilreter to the legation in China, three thousand dollars; interpreter to the legation in Japan, two thousand five hundred dollars; interpreter to the legation and consulate-general in Persia, one thousand ollars; interpreter to the legation and consulate-general in Corea, one thousand dollars; interpreter to the legation and consulate-general in Bangkok, Siam, five hundred dollars; in all, eleven thousand dollars. But no person drawing the salary of interpreter as above provided shall be allowed any part of the salary appropriated for any secretary of legation or other officer. um¤,sp•m. lerk at the legation in Spain, one thousand two hundred dollars. o0NI·INGENi1‘ EXPENSES FOREIGN MISSIONS. ,f,°"”l°*¤%’°”’ °*· For the urpose of enablin the President to rovide at the ublic sums. man mm expense, all such stationery, blanks, record, anld other books,Pseals, presses, flags, and signs as he shall think necessarly for the several egations in the transaction of their business, and a so for rent, postage, telegrams, furniture, messenger service, clerk hire, compensation of cavasses, guards, dragomans, janitors, and porters, including compensation of interpreter, guards, and Arabic clerk at the Dnpstchhzsub. consulate at Tangier, and the compensation of dispatch agents at London, New York, and San Francisco, and for traveling and misrama;. ceilaneous expenses of legations, and for rinting in the Department of State, one undred and five thousand dollars. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES or LEGA*r1oNs. ‘ mmnyemnup. Loss by exchange in remittances of money to and from legations, mm in twlolthousapdfive hundrleexdollarsk h 1 C t t 1 , wich. Con- lung 0 Steam aunc or use 0 the e tion at ODS all iI10 G, '°°‘°°"‘°’l° one thousand eight hundred dollars. ga . P B“"*· Rent of buildings for legation and other purposes at Peking, or iuchdlogheé place in China as shall be designated, three thousand one un o .