Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1151

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Jmmx. 1131 _ Pgs;. Page. Mililary Posts-Coutmuorl. Ministers, appproprinfzion for buildings, etc., Holona, appropriation for salaries ... 224, 496 Mont .. 33 for transit and instruction pay 224, 497 may ba used for sewerage and water deficiency appropriation for salaries . 309 supply . .. . . 376 Mink, limim of cost increased ..,..,.. 598 proclamation prohibiting unlawful killing enlargement of Fort Wayne, Mich., author- ot] in Alaskan waters . . .-. .. 1008 ized · land ., -. - 430 proclamation prohibiting unlawihl killing established at Little Rock, Ark .. 20 of. Bering Sou ... . .. 1070 H010D5p Mont --·--·-·--·------·----·-·— 33 Minneapolis, Minn., Qtlblihhménii of 0119, 0l\ l10l.‘t]101'D j'0!11ii0! appropriation fg; Pub]jc`b¤j_]ding’ y_·gPgil·g_ 350 authorized; site ... 376 Mglmoga, Military Prison, Fort Leavenworth, appropriation for surveyor-general; aptigcpripyiou fvguprggrt, etc ...-.---~-- 33;,3, g f oloiks .--1;-. . . gg, civilian em oyo . . --- , or con in n ex onus - .. for construction and repairs ... : . . -380, 602 public landsifrantog to, for an State park . . . Y 347 for additional pay, otIiooroomm•nding.l’TI, 481 Minnesota River, Mum., dollcicncy gpproptmtion for OXPBDSGS, GS- 854 appropriation for improvement of . . . . 106 onpo rngonorg . ..,.,... . .. . . . - Min Coin; limit fo1‘ ¢l0&i¤§, W6 ----·-.··· - ·~---·-· 181, 484 apap. rialaion for rocoinsgo, ctc . 363, 588 Military Reservations, Minn: C., appropizijgion for survey, ctc., of ubaném 593 penalty fozosolling, etc., dangerous woop- 117

·----- •---•--•-·• ······· 1 ODS ...· ·-·.•···-- ····-- ··•··-··-

gi-gni; qgnnbnndqfd, to municipal 00rp0r¤— sale 0; liquors to, igorlpitlolon - . . .. Q ` DB; im! -·-_ ---·--.--·---·----·-— 593 solo o iquors by, or i on .. °"‘“‘"“"°5.:’.1‘t..“°»'ét'.;"*.A3;‘;i,.}"1;$* Mf~f·P»-#~¤»M~· ,, ,,_,__ ...tion for b"ng new, co Eommty .. . 55;- “P*"°P"“ - _ __ - 0p¢¤0dW;: settlement, Fort Fot1;si·mnn,_ 408 Mi", a G;-¢;i8;;—5{té3%$r-of 3ol . ······················ · ·‘‘‘‘‘‘· the Mint) Fg"; Rgudgl] Neb;-,, Part of. . -- 555 *3 · , ‘ 8 ‘ ¤_ P-t M cmu M-·» ··»-M ··» ¤»~· M- 50 #·Pz:,:·*:;:,2:;: £‘;2‘?ff?'?Y‘?'E·.‘?¥. tvtvifzif. .2.% 3 f°r[]r ua" ············ · ··’'‘‘ . ·‘‘‘‘‘ f or Carson, Nov ,.,.,. , ,.,.,.., . .,,,,, ,203, 694 Pug of ]· 0;-Q Moclm-y, granted to Kltlivfy, for Denver, Colo ____ _ _______________ __g)3’ Q4 MQ-: for s°h°°l P“rp°s°s· ·····‘‘‘‘ ’421 for New Orleans, Ln ,,,,_, , ,____ _ _____ M4, 6% Part of p Ort Randal], granted to South Div for Phuadclphia, Pa _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _204’ mk; kota ····· :·· ······ ·· ···‘'‘ "‘t""‘ 593 forSanI·‘¤mcisc0, Cal ,.,,.,,, 2()4,& 1>¤¤‘* •§°:` 19** $¤d¤¤Y» d°¤**°d *° $“*¤°Y· 50 rm- Boise City, Idaho . x, gg ·---··-—· · ---····--··········· f . nghtof waynmugi Mmm v· .----- M ;3£§Ei‘§LZ"§;01ZtY.. . ___._ Z04;696 F°" cmu 1'°s°"*u°‘ ······ · ········' 530 for New York Citv - . . . ..205 696 For; Montgvmvry, N- if ·--- - --—-·-----·- gg for sam noun, u.;j-I j Z If [ ... I I --205; me _ _W1¤v1>i•¤ B¤¤¤¤k¤» Am ·--- - —--·- · ··--· acnmmy 3 propriation for New York-- . ow Ahlytqry Telegraph Lena, for Bpisg gity ____ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ __ _ 649 appropriation ibf - -_ -·-- - -—--·---- - --·· 183, 487 for Charlotte, N. C . ... . ,. . 619 deficiency gpproprmtwu for - ------ - - - 312 M· `·"· R; Dc, 16mm' D' C? 160 559 ::p,pro(p'i·iaéi’•;r1,for improvement of 98 3 rg g-intron for QXPQDSBB -..· ---- -- - , "°`:`_" ·*g§¤*§·¢g; ·v¤g=°P**·**°¤'°***"*· °*°- ···· @$3 ‘°'“££{§’?¤{’LZ“}’l‘5‘TT'f’fY‘?‘I`.'YI‘KYZ°.’?}f’I‘.“ m 0l‘ 1'1 S OC---··· ··-· · -—-·- —---·—·•·• · · f" r°°t’ gm" 1891 '’‘‘`’'```'`' 283 Mum". 449191,, for su rt etc of Indians Millaroi, Mary (widow), 818 ·PPr°g;m mn - mm ·’_ I'.- · I - _ "136 628 1>¤··¤¤¤¤ ---·--··---·- · ·—---·--·--- ···· or 1¤..&L`i.§£ ELEM;' " .cz M‘”"· T'""'""' Ev . 1mm4m zmzsmu Cal ``'`'`'`·`°``°" d°6°l°:;:;:};I;;?uI;;l: 66; nppropriation for special attorney. -.. 633 Mnwnku Wig exchange of lands occupied by private I t_ 'V for im rovcment Of harbor { pQ\'$()]]§ 0]] fB§$f\'}]t1()n _ , _ , ,, , ____ _,, ‘*PP'°I;‘;:°;.;;B _____ _____________ _ ____ J _ 94 i Minvivn T»5!¢t_1<6¢;_r· (gvvgpfidufrd) {frown lm 612 flmrbornnnun--nM______________ Q5. nppropria ion or n umagsn s ... , liar expenses Volunteer Soldiers' Home.381, 604 I Mnsmeqqn, _ _ detioionoy appropriation for rent from pro- light of way through _ public lands in, cmd, of Old building ______ _ _,, ,,,, 284 I granted to Moxncau Gulf, Pllmhv ,,;;;·;·;;;;;»,;_»· -----------·-——-~-----—----  ;;*;,?·$¥?f..?t·1*:‘¥-.*?1*ii·tt·i’.-$’£·t*.s 253 opprogiiiotion for salaries and expenses .206, 697 Minniuippi Ri•{a·r_(s¢c also, Mississippi River rlcticicnvy appropriation for salaries und 34 * r Cor¤;m1ss1o_:3, msu-voi t head expenses . . I opp opmi ion · rs n. - ' V at rs ,,.. . . - ..,__,,_.. 106 Moppggygizzioxior pre-pnring report .. 371, 594 for ivmpigivomsnt of, from mouth of the Mingn Crack, S. C., 3 Ohio to month of tlm Missouri .. .-106, 602 appropriation for improvement of 100 [ from mouth of the Mxssoun to MmnT07 602 M" 1Jb'C. ; upon .- .. ,

 rinnvzyhug uinount Mm bv 1>¤¤6*9-bl? i for Adams Hume - -_ ...·. .. . t ..   107

expended in rostmiuing, to be made. 393 | from St. Pnul to Minneapolis. 107 Mining, Hydrauliv, · at Clarksville, Mo 107 appointment of commission to 1‘0g¤1¤·t¤, ill I Bt Stock-hqlmv WIS --·-·---·· - ········ lm California ..,,...,. 507 l at Lake City, Mum ,.,, , ,,, ,.,,,,.,.. 1(U