Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1192

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1 1 '[ 2 INDEX. 1* Page. United States Cmu·1e—C0ntinucd. ~ nga UW]! C0m7l\l8§l0"y _ tm-ms; . approprption for salaries and expenses .206, 697 Jilggkfoot, Idaho .,,,,,,___,,, . . .-.. E comnnegzagicrs hereafter to be rcmdenth B 'sé Idah .. - 0 -·---- - ------ - ·---· ·· ---· - Balto, Mon: ..,,,. . . ... 252 allqwqanco to ¤ccreta:ry.. .. . 206,697 Cgdgr BgPidg’ Iowa _________,,, .-.. 1 revision of rogistra.tion list .. 697 chorluwy, S, C _ _,__,, , ,,_,,,,, . ,,,,,. 261 for officors of election .. ... . 697 Charleston, W. Va. . , .- . 14, 254 m, 49,,,,,,, ,5,,;].,,-,, Chi! GDHU, WY0 -·-- - ---------·- -—-- ---· 73 appropriation for indian agent at ... 121, 613 g1°'%_°*’{“'$é "§hv* ·~---· · --··· · · · · ····· 1*» 2% me Indians, commu.: Bam,

 é Dai ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘I   I Z      I 392 appropriation for fulfilling treaties with. -183, 626

Dubuque, lows .. . .-.-. 1 _ Evanston, Wyo 39 Y. Fort Dodge, Iowa . . 1 goat Scott, {guns . . . ig vvswn G! ---·-- - --·-·--·•··•····· V 'nation o Ind' on - Jefferson éityy M0 ----··-- - ------- - --·- 20 mmpuatlou fc: . .' . . 133, 632 JO¤`6I$0DaTBX···-··-•••-··-·-•·--•·---· 15 'V4lPqrq,ig0’ ` K¤¤¤¤¤ C1g» M0 -··--· - - ··--·-·-·--·· · - 20 appropriation for consul at .. 228, 501 Littleton, .H ·--··•.•-.··»·--···-·-·· 7 Van Bgrgg, J_H_, §\hm¤¤:¤gwW· V! ·-----·-··--· - -•--- M, 2i; dc£icioncy apgygopriatiou for services . 666 WM ¤0» ll -·-· - ----··-·-- - ---·-~· Nest S . 'd Moscow, Idaho -·.--· -- ·.----·- - ---- 73 :;¤¤1o£..Ti . ( . ; ... ssc Od-\k0¤}1, Wis ~·-- -· ·--·--- · -·------··-- 12 Vauccboro Me. — Pull, T0! ------·-------·-·----·--- ··· - 15 immediate transportation privileges to . . . 254 Parkersburg, W. Va .. . 14, 254 M 7a.4u;;,,» P1§¤‘¤, $· Dirk ·--~····-··-·-··-·--·--·- 333 refund of duties paid on wreckage of . 417 §'*‘“‘ {,‘!{°'“{· ff ······· ·‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ····· 1 Vanderwc, F. W-, _ _ ${3:; Fm g D ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'°°’‘'‘‘" 392 deficiency appropriation for .. - ... 287 Eingsoidfrio.“.-.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZIZ 20 Vwyhqv, ·fw·¢;;¢ (gidmv), 772 lar Tex ., . ...' .. . 15 P°¤u°¤I'°s W ----•---·-- ~• --··-··· ·—-·

 Va  . . 14, 254 Vaulu, Safer, and Locke, Public Buildings,  

transfer of outgomcry County, Ark . 3 appropriation for . -.: . . . 365, 574 University of California, dc cwncy appropriation for .. . . . . 810 donation of land to, for astronomical dc- Vegetabl; Pathology Division, Dqpartment of partmont .. . ... 1 gricu ture Unévgrsitg of the State of Miagmu-i, appropriation for pathologist, assistants, rnhevod from responsibilxty for destroyed atc .. . . 75, 736 ordnance, etc ...,.. . ... 761 for eqomsxénvbgdgagon , ctc .. 77, 788 Unhing A,,,,;;,!,,,elaaoo and Sur ai way ompany pmxommm ¤¤m¤J¤¤u1¤g,1¤ moo no ass. my bridge ¤f¤1v¤9¢¤¤ ¤¤<1 Br¤=¤¤ ¤$¤¤1 -· 446 ______ _ _______________ _ _______ 1030 Vdaaco Terminal Ranluvay, in $$,0,,,;,, ______ _ ____________ _ _______ 1032 may bridge Brazos River, Tex 18 v»·m»»¤ cme, lm., Velma. Tw-, _ fppmpmmm m improvement or . . .. so V;:g;•¤¤1•<>¤ ¤f ¤¤¤m G·1v•¤¢<>¤ •1¤¤¤·¤¤*- 19 r¤¤·•¤y '“ . . •pp¤»irma¤¤ m mamm . . 224, m •1»;>r<>p}i¤¢¤>¤ fvr ¤¤i¤;¤¤$·r -·---·-------- 224. M mah or nocrotarypf legation .: .. . . 225, 498 apnrogrinticligu incidental expenses In; Pr°°l°3:m;;Pgg?E§:°t‘°° °° °ug"’ 1013 mnso com . . ,. " "°"' ‘’‘ "" for salaries, government in .. . . 203% 697 V“l°°» _ , _ for·q°¤1;i¤gg¤tgxPu;ggg_______ ____ ____¤x;,w'[ 8`ppl‘0pl‘1l\tl0!1 foI' OODBIII 8f..····231,00·l» for legislative expenses ... 206, 697 V6" C""'; , fo; Utah Commission, salaries . 206, 697 V¤PPmPTbzt;3:;°¥ ¢0¤¤¤l W -·-···-·-·---· 229, 501 o ses .. . .. . .. ¤‘¢¢9¤¤· » 5:; cigglm gxpgpggg ____ _ _ ________ __?06’ gg to be requested to login relics of Colunibns, revision of registration im .,, 697 _ _ ctc., f¤r exbxbmpn at World g 1 an. 399 Blecggcu 05(ga], ____ ___ _ ______ _ ____ _ 697 invited to attend opening of World s Fan-. 401 for surveyor general; clerks .. 218, 709 Vvmimmz QW?} _ for contingent expenses , , , , _,,, _ _ _ _ _2]_8’ 709 Bppl‘0pl'l8lF10!\ fo1' 1|¤P1‘0\’0¤'I0¤t of ]\¤l'b0l’- 93 for penitentiary .. . .. -. 384 V¤'¤•0¤¥, _ _ for wm-; expenses _________________ ___3g;;, 607 sppropnntwn for fish hatchery .. . 361 for aid to Industrial Home ... . . 385 V¤’•‘i¢F'¤, I;¤¢Q° ¤*d» deficiency appropriation for territorial •ppr¤prw¤¤¤ fm` °°¤¤¤1 W -·----·-~---·--- 290 courts . - . . 298, 311, 317, 660, 668, 669 Veuela, for surveyor-general .. . 310 entry ot) violating health rules, unlawful; creation of fourth judicial district .. . 3 penalty ..., - ,,,.,,,,______ _ MQ foes to iurcrs and witnesses in ..-. 347 in foreign commerce to be properly may se act lands in lieu of school lands oquipged, etc ,, -. .,._ _ _,___ 44,5 grzngeid as towusnes by Richiield limitation 0 ¢5wncrs’ liability if properly an organ coun ies ... . . 593 e uip c etc .. . . .. . ...,.,_ 445 proclaaation granting pardon to certain offluimigrants required of muormons . .. . .. yrs o . ,, , ,___ _ ________ 5Q toyrn-sitopntry authorized for Ferron 82 rules to spcuro sanitary c0¤dition og in indemnity lands granted . .. .-.. B2 foreign ports to be issued, ,,___,,,,, 451