Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/927

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904 GENERAL ACT—SLAVE TRADE. JULY 2, 1890. le signalement sommaire de cha- mentioned with a summary decun d’eux en regard de son nom; scription ofeach of them alongside his name. _ 5° Atin d’empecher plus sure- 5. In order the more elfectively ment les substitutions, les mate- to prevent any substitution, the lots pourront, en outre, etre pour- seamen may,moreover,bc provided vus d’une marque distinctive. with a distinctive mark. Anrrcrn XXXVI. Anriorn XXXVI. cmnge of mgm Lorsque le capitaine d’nn bati- When the captain of a vessel l>¤·¤•=¤S¤¤· ment désirera embarquer des pas- shall desire to take negro passensagers noirs, il devra en faire la gers 011 board, he shall make his declaration a Pautorité de la- Puis- declaration to that effect to the ausance dont il porte le pavillon ou, thority of the power whose colors a défaut de eelle-ci, a Pautorité he carries, or in default thereof, to territoriale. Les passagers seront the territorial authority. The pasinterrogés et, quand il aura été sengers shall be questioned, and constaté qu’ils s’embarquent libre- after it has been ascertained that ment, ils seront inscrits sur un they embarked of their own free manifeste special donnant le si- will, they shall be entered in a gnalement dc chacun d’eux en re- special manifest, bearing the degard de son nom, et indiquant scription of each of them alongside notamment le sexe et la taiHe. of his name, and specially sex and Les enfants noirs ne pourront étre height. Negro children shall not admis comme passagers qu’auta11t be taken as passengers unless they qu’ils seront accompagnés de leurs are accompanied by their relations, parents ou de personnes don t or by persons whose respectability Phonorabilité serait notoire. An is well known. At the departure, depart, le manifests des passagers the passenger roll shall be visaed sera visé par Pautorité indiquée by the aforesaid authority after it ci-dessns, apres qu’il aura été pro- has been called. If there are no cédé a un appel. S’il n’y a pas de passengers on board, this shall be passagers a bord, mention expresse specially mentioned in the crew-list. en sera faite sur le role d’équipage. Anrricma XXXVII. Anricnn XXXVII. may srmms. A Parrivée dans tout port de re- At the arrival at any port of call lache ou de destination, le capi- or of destination, the captain of the taine du batimeut produira devant vessel shall show to the authority Pautorité de la Puissance dont il of the power whose nag he carries, porte le pavillon ou, a défaut de or, in ( efanlt thereof, to the terricelle-ci, devant Pautorité territo- torial authority,the crew-list, and, riale, le role d’équipage et, s’il y a if need be, the passenger-roll prelieu, les manifestes de passagers viously delivered. The authority autérienrement délivrés. Uauto- shall check the passengers who rite controlera les passagers arri- have reached their destination or vés adestination ou s’arrétant dans who are stopping in a port of call, un port de relache, et fera mention and shall mention their landing in de leur débarquement sur le maui- the roll. At the departure of the feste. An depart, la méme auto- vessel the same authority shallaflix rité apposera de nouveau son visa a fresh riaé to the list and roll, and au role et au manifests, ct fera call the roll of the passengers. Pappel des passagers. Amricnn XXXVIII. Ancrrcrn XXXVIII. Nonegropassengers Sur le littoral africain et dans On the African coast and on the

“',gf'°‘* °“ "““‘“ "“‘ les iles adjacentes, aucun passager adjacent islands, no negro passennoir ne sera embarqué a bord d’un gers shall be taken on board of a.

batiment inrligene en dehors des native vessel, except in localities