Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1300

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1278 mnnx. Page. 1 Page- Brig s, Julius L., ‘ Brower, Charles F., _ _ _ mi£i;3,ry record gorrggted _______________ 1028 payment of C0\11‘t of C1311K1S ]\1dgI¤€D1G tO- 407 Brightwood Railway Company, D. C., Brower, Elizabeth, to issue coupon tickets; use; redemp- pension ... - .------- 1033 tion ______________________________ 683 Brown, Hosea, Brimiitone, pension increased .. 1046 on free list _____________________________ 545 I Brown, Lucy (mother), _ Bristles, · pension ...,. - - - 988 duty on, prepared ... 533 Brown, Mary (mother), on free list, crude, etc ._, 539 pension ... - ..~. 992 Bristol, Brown, Sarah M. (mother), appropriation for consul at ...,... 147, 822 pension 1030 Britannia Metal,1 Brown, Thomas, on free list, old ___________,______,______ 543 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 457 British Guiana, I Brown, Tnomas J., recommendation that boundary dispute g payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 468 be referred to arbitration . 971 ’ Brown, William H., British Gum, l payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 453 duty on ___________________.,_ _ __._. 525 Q Browning, George L., British North America, Q deficiency appropriation for services - - 449, 866 convention extending time to complete g Browns Creek, N K, boundary survey between Alaska k appropriation for improving 347 and ________..._________,_,,_. 1200 w Brunswick, Broad Creek River, Del., E appropriation for consul at ... 147, 821 appropriation for improving .__. 348 Brunswick, Ga., Broad Kiln River, Del., j appropriation for maintenance of harbor- 342 preliminary examination of mouth of, to 1 for improving outer bar; payments to be made _...,.,... 365 { C. P. Goodyear ._..___________ 342 Brock, Jacob,for procuring greater depth, outer bar, _ payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 457 · etc ...,... 342 Brockmeier, Fred.A., Q Brunswick, Ga., Quarantine Station, payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 453 Q appropriation for maintenance 392, 934 Brockton, Mass., · for repairs, etc .,...____.. 915 construction of public building author- A Brushes, · ized at . ‘ .. 675 3 duty on .,..._.._______.____ 533 appropriation for .,... 910Brussels, contract authorized for construction- - 910 F appropriation for consul at ___________ 146, 820 Brockville, i for clerk hire --..--_-___________ 149, 823 appropriation for consul at ... 147, 822 for bureau of publication, customs my. Broden, Patrick F., i iifs - 144, 819 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 457 deficiency appropriation for expenses of Brodie, Willz'am W., bureau for suppressing African payment of Court of Claims judgment t0_ 457 A slave trade --.--.-.---,-___-.----- 424 Brokers, Custom—Hou.s·e, Brussels Carpets, license required for doing business ..--.- ‘ 552 duty on ._---_.-,...--_-,_--___________- 531 Bromine, · tapestry ___,___--_____________________ 531 on free list -..-.-..- Bryan, Joel M., Bronze Powder, etc., appropriation for services to Cherokees- 901 duty On .- . . 519 ‘ Bryant, Erastus E,, Brooke, Gen. John R., U. S. A.. I paymentof Court of Claims judgment to- 457 payment of judgments against .. 983 I Buckley. William W., Brookland Sewer, D. C,.military record corrected __._________ 1038 appropriation for constructing ; con- } Buckshutem. N. J., H _ tracts 749 ~ reliminar examination gf, Brooklyn Gaslight Company. Bd)cku·lzeat, y to be made` 367 deficiency appropriation' for damages to Q duty on _,_,____________________ _ 522 Wharf ..-. 856Buddington, Oziqg, ```` Brooklyn, N. Y., released from liability on bond of Ozias appropriation for dock, etc., navy-ya.rd_ _ 130 Morgan ___________ _ ____ 1032 for renovating. etc., naval hospital 131 I Buds. ``````’``` for improving Bay Ridge and Red Hook duty on, refined, etc .,______ 509 channels _,.. - ..._340 , on free list, crude __,_______ T - - _ Y -· _ - l 540 deficiency appropriation for public build- V Buechel, Hemy D_ _````````` ing .. . ..----...·. 847 a ent of Courtof Cl 1 · Brooks, Abraham. f tl d . B5e2irr;1Ayres, 8 msludgmtmt t0` 467 to receive pensioni enti e 331 ‘ a. ro riation for ooo Brooks, Joseph R. (father), Bagggloléayme, Tg,;;, Sul at ```````'``` 146’ 820 pension ...< 1042 appropriation for improving ________ 353 Broom Corn. I construction of bridge authorized actonel on free list .__,. $38 at Houston __________ _ ____ ’ 641 Brooms, E Bufalo, IY Y. U ``·°” ` duty on ..i.A,.._... 533 , appropriation for improvement of har- Brosnan. John, S bor ___________ _ ____ 340 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 457 1 for public building _____ · _ _ i _ i _ l _ _ -372 910 Broughton, Jllary P. (widow). _ for improvin channel, rh-_ —-l--— ’ pension increased ,,,,..,, - . 1003 Chicago gud Du1utlE_l?i;_IfkGS to 947